Looking for a powerful energizer and positivity boost! Discover how you achieve this when you balance chakras with affirmations and how it can bring about optimal health and well-being. This ancient method, rooted in Ayurveda, Yoga, and eastern esoteric belief systems, combines positive affirmation with meditation or focused thought to achieve incredible results.
Through this practice, you release negative emotions and dispel stored negative energies that may be causing blockages in your chakra system. By harmonizing your energy centers through alignment and opening them up for proper flow of vital energy throughout the body.
Balance Chakras With Affirmations
What happens when I use chakras to balance my energy centers?
- Release negative and trapped emotion
- Dispel stored negative energies
- Clear energy blockages in your chakra and meridian system,
- Open and align the chakras
- Regain balance in your life.
It is a known truth that our thoughts have the ability to shape our reality. By embracing this concept as fact – we embrace its unlimited potential for personal growth. The use of positive affirmations allows us to focus on manifesting desired states within ourselves – resulting in astounding changes in all areas of life.
Positive affirmations are a powerful tool for balancing the body’s chakras and promoting overall wellbeing. By repeating positive statements, you can train your mind to focus on the good in life and shift away from negative thinking. This creates a positive mindset that allows you to take control of your emotions and reactions, leading to improved physical and mental health.
Regularly using affirmations can help achieve balance within the chakras, bringing harmony into all areas of life.
What Are Chakras?
The term chakra originates from Sanskrit and means a “spinning wheel.” Each of the chakra centers has its own specific energy. You can learn more about in our post titled, “What Are The 7 Chakras?“
When trying to gain energetic balance, you first need to understand the chakras and how they affect your physical, emotional and spiritual health. The 7 major chakras are located along our spinal column and form part of Sushumna the Central Nadi.
Each correspond to a particular color-coded vibration and frequency. These vibrations influence our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The Importance Of Achieving Balance In the Chakras.
When our chakras are balanced and aligned we achieve what is known as energetic harmony.
Once energetic harmony is achieved you:
- Feel grounded, feel connected and feel safe in the world;
- Are able to set and maintain healthy boundaries;
- Have improved self-confidence with high self-esteem;
- Are able to accept and offer love with ease;
- Communicate clearly, honestly and express your unique truth;
- Have sharper and clearer mental focus;
- Build greater connection to the spiritual and gain universal insights.
Balanced chakras contribute to both physical and emotional health. For instance, a balanced root chakra can help you feel grounded and secure, while a balanced heart chakra promotes love and compassion. Physical symptoms of imbalance might include digestive issues (solar plexus chakra) or respiratory problems (heart chakra), and emotional symptoms can range from low self-esteem (solar plexus chakra) to difficulty expressing oneself (throat chakra)
“When we talk about a balanced lifestyle, it’s that you exercise, you have good work, you have family and friends, you have spirituality, you have education, This goes towards balancing our mind, body and soul. It makes a whole person. It gives good balance” says Judi Bar, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, the Lead Yoga Therapist and Yoga Program Manager for the Cleveland Clinic.
Explaining chakra balance Bar adds, “It’s basically the same thing when we talk about energies. If we’re neglecting some part of our behavior or some part of our life, it’s going to reflect in the energy of our body also. We’re one integrated system. Everything works from each other.”
“Doing yoga is also a great way to balance your chakras”, says Bar, adding “Techniques such as meditation, sound therapy, and energy healing modalities like Reiki can help restore and maintain chakra balance.”
The importance of achieving balance in the chakras is supported by Tamara Lechner from Chopra.com who says “When a body is balanced, energy flows freely and can be energizing, revitalizing, and peaceful.”
How To Identify Blockages Within Chakras – Symptoms Of Imbalance?
The following chakra guide identifies the common symptoms of imbalance or blockage within your chakras. This is not a definitive guide, but will help you to identify potential areas that require your attention.
Muladhara – The Root Chakra.
- Lower back pain,
- Constipation or diarrhea,
- Knee pain,
- Gout,
- Rage and anger,
- Overly Fearful,
- Egocentricity,
- Lethargy and exhaustion,
- Addictive personality,
- Not grounded,
- Financial difficulties.
Dr. Susan Shumsky, a highly regarded author in the field of spirituality, states that “an imbalanced root chakra can lead to physical issues like chronic lower back pain and emotional symptoms such as feelings of insecurity and anxiety. Grounding exercises and connecting with nature are recommended to balance this chakra.”
A case study by Brett Larkin describes a patient who suffered from sciatica and chronic fatigue, which were linked to an imbalanced root chakra. After engaging in grounding yoga practices and meditation focused on the root chakra, the patient reported significant improvements in both physical and emotional stability
Swadhisthana – The Sacral Chakra.
- Lack of sexual desire or passion,
- lack of creativity
- Sterility,
- Infertility,
- Jealousy,
- Kidney stones,
- Urinary tract infections,
- Sexual addiction,
- Sexual diseases,
- Creative blocks.
Erica Matluck, N.D., a naturopathic doctor and reiki master, emphasizes that an imbalanced sacral chakra can manifest as urinary issues, low libido, and emotional instability. Creative activities and pelvic-focused exercises can help restore balance.
Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra.
- Need for excessive control and power,
- Fears,
- Stomach ailments,
- Nightmares,
- Aggressive behavior,
- Ulcers,
- Feelings of victimization,
- Lack of self confidence,
- Bulimia, obesity, anorexia,
- Isolationism,
- Indigestion,
- Feeling overwhelmed.
Anahata – The Heart Chakra.
- Poor circulation,
- Angina,
- High blood pressure,
- Self hatred,
- Asthma,
- Lack of independence,
- Acting naively,
- Suffocating others in loving and giving,
- Lack of compassion,
- Intolerance,
- Weak immune system,
- Lack of joy
Dr. Deanna Minich, an expert in chakra health, explains that heart chakra imbalances can lead to respiratory issues, difficulty in relationships, and a lack of self-love. Heart-opening exercises and practices like loving-kindness meditation are beneficial.
Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra.
- Sore throats,
- Recurring Laryngitis,
- Fear of public speaking,
- Too talkative or too shy,
- The need to be the expert,
- Inability to tell the truth,
- Inability to verbalize your opinion,
- Thyroid disease,
- Anxiety,
- Hyperactivity
Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra.
- Spaced out, not in the room,
- Too logical or too abstract,
- Too many thoughts at once,
- Migraines,
- Forgetfulness,
- Inability to remember dreams,
- Inability to meditate, visualize or connect with inner guidance on the higher levels,
- Poor eyesight,
- Tension,
- Inability to concentrate or stay focused.
Dr. Erica Matluck points out “A blocked third eye chakra can result in headaches, poor vision, and a lack of intuition. Meditation and visualization techniques focusing on the third eye can help open this chakra.”
A recent Chopra article discussed a patient who experienced frequent migraines and a lack of clear intuition. Through guided third eye meditations and intuitive development exercises, they found relief from physical symptoms and enhanced their intuitive abilities
Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra.
- Inability to connect to the physical world,
- Confusion,
- Headaches,
- Hallucinations,
- Mental illness,
- Overly Worried,
- Overly Dominant ego.
- Delusions of grandeur
- Obsessed with spiritual life over physical
How To Balance Chakras With Affirmations.
By spending 15 to 20 minutes per day focusing your mind on positive affirmations will pay dividends. This will help you create energetic balance and allow you to begin to manifest your goals, whatever they may be. You can use affirmations for gaining greater success, to build abundance or to find love.
Balance chakras with affirmations every day – Download our new positive affirmations App. It’s free and has hundreds of affirmations for all areas of life as well as videos, audio and pdf downloads. Get it here!
The Process To Balance Chakras with Affirmations
When verbalizing affirmations bring your focus to the physical location of each of the chakras.
See the chakras vivid color and visualize it spinning in a clockwise direction. As you visualize each chakra see it glowing brightly, see the color as vibrant light that is spinning and emitting waves of energy throughout your body.
For each of the chakra affirmations you can speak them out loud or say them in your mind.
Repeat each affirmation 3 times, and each time you speak do so with authority and confidence. As you speak see the chakra in your minds eye and then visualize what life is like once the affirmation is part of your reality and achieved.
Believe the words as you say them. See the affirmation as already manifested in your life.
The Affirmations Meditation.
Sit or lie down in a quiet place and bring yourself to calm and peace. Make sure you are comfortable, and take a few deep breaths in and out.
Visualize breathing in silvery white light, pure light from from the heavens. This silvery white light clears you of negative feelings, emotions and the stresses of the day.
As you breathe in feel your lungs expand and open to allow more universal energy to flow into your body building a connection to the divine.
With each breath out you feel lighter and more in tune with the universe and you can feel all the tension draining from your body.
When you are completely relaxed begin the meditation starting with Muladhara the Root Chakra.
Once you complete your Muladhara meditation then move on, working your way through the remaining chakras in their correct order.
Take all the time you need for each Chakra. Focus on seeing in your minds eye the bright colored disk, or spinning wheel, of the energy center and then repeat your affirmation as detailed previously.
1. Muladhara Affirmation.
The root chakra is located at the base of your spine, corresponds with the aura color red. This chakra relates to the basic human instinct for survival, security and stability.
“I am a divine being of light. I am peaceful. I am protected. I am secure. I give and receive love with joy. I am a divine being of light and love”
2. Swadhisthana Affirmation.
The Sacral Chakra is located just below your navel in the lower abdominal region and corresponds with the color orange. Swadhisthana relates to reproduction on a physical level and is the center for creativity and joy.
The Sacral chakra also relates to relationships on an emotional level and to our energy and passions on a spiritual level.
“I am radiant. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am full of health. I enjoy a healthy and passionate life. I am a radiant, beautiful and strong divine being of light.”
3. Manipura Affirmation.
Manipura, or the Solar Plexus Chakra, is located above your navel and sits directly in your stomach area.
The Manipura chakra, unsurprisingly, plays a vital role in digestion.
Manipura glows and radiates a vivid yellow color. This chakra deals with personal growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal power, control and spiritual evolution.
“I am positively empowered. I enjoy great success. I aide others to achieve. I am intelligent. I am successful in all my ventures. I have excellent control and each day I am thankful for being a radiant and divine being of light”
4. Anahata Affirmation.
Anahata, or the heart chakra, is located in the center of your chest and spins with a clear and vibrant green color.
The Anahata chakra is one of the most important chakras as it is a central point, or meeting place, of the 3 lower (physical) and 3 upper (spiritual) chakra energies.
Anahata is responsible for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the Anahata chakra are unconditional love, compassion and well-being.
“I give and receive love unconditionally. Love is the answer to everything in life. I love fully. I give and receive love effortlessly. As a divine and radiant being of light I am powered by love and will continue to give and receive love unconditionally”
5. Vishuddha Affirmation.
Vishuddha is found in the center of your throat and exudes a crystalline electric blue light.
The Vishuddha chakra governs your ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is responsible for truth, maturity, independence and the ability to trust others.
“My thoughts are positive. I always express myself truthfully and clearly. I trust in others and they trust in me. I speak with authority and conviction and my words are of positivity and love. My words allow me to grow fully as a divine being of light”
6. Ajna Affirmation.
Ajna, or the third eye chakra, is positioned in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows.
The Third Eye Chakra is also known as the brow chakra and spins with a deep saturated Indigo (dark blue/purple) hue.
Ajna helps you tap into your intuition, gain inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions and attaining self realization.
“I am one with divine universal wisdom. My intuition is strong and I trust it completely. I gain understanding from inner guidance because I am intuitive. I see the truth. I see clearly and accept all guidance received. I release all energy no longer needed. I am one with myself. I am a divine being of light”
7. Sahasrara Affirmation.
Sahasrara the crown chakra is located on the top of your head in what is known as the crown area. It corresponds to the color violet.
The role of this chakra is awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through connecting with the creator and the divine universal energies
“I am complete. I trust in myself and the universe. I am one with the divine energy. I am whole. I am divine”
Once finished with the 7 affirmations move your focus back onto yourself as a whole and visualize breathing in pure white silvery light.
Feel yourself being filled with the white silvery light of universal and divine energy.
Take 3 slow, deep, breaths in and out and when you feel ready slowly bring yourself back into the present.
This is a simple and effective technique which will help you make extraordinary gains in your spiritual and physical life.
There is little that is as effective and positively transforming than using the power of positive thought to manifest necessary change for our body, mind and soul.
If you try the methods discussed in “How to Balance Chakras With Affirmations” I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment below or contact me directly by clicking here.
Balance Chakras FAQ
What are the unblock chakra affirmations?
You use specific affirmations for each chakra center as they are related to the energy of the chakra itself. This page has a collection of the best.
Can I balance chakras with Mantras?
Yes, you can. The root chakra seed mantra is LAM. The sacral chakra seed mantra is VAM. The solar plexus chakra seed mantra is RAMM. The heart chakra seed mantra is YAM. The throat chakra seed mantra is HAM. The third eye chakra seed mantra is OM. The crown chakra seed mantra is AH.
Can Affirmations Heal Chakras?
Utilizing positive affirmations can aid in rebalancing and enhancing energy flow by enabling you to concentrate on directing healing energy towards a particular chakra. These affirmations are typically spiritual and tailored to each chakra.
Which chakra should be unblocked and balanced first?
The root chakra. It is the grounding foundation of the chakra system. If your root chakra is out of balance, it’s believed that the other chakras in your body will be too.
How do affirmations work?
Affirmations when said regularly help our brain to create positive links to ourselves and our circumstances. Although it may seem hard to believe, these short phrases significantly alter how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings.