You have probably all heard the term but what exactly are Chakras? Most people are probably aware of their colors. But what does color mean? You may know that each has a distinct energy, but what does this energy do and how does it influence our health and wellness?
This post provides the answers to these questions and more! Learn about each of the centers, how to maintain their health as well as how they form part of a wider system of energy channels.
In the day to day hustle and bustle of life we sometimes neglect to take care of ourselves. Perhaps we don’t give our body the right foods and nutrients, maybe we don’t sleep as much as we should or maybe we store and hold on to those emotions that hurt us in the past but that no longer serves us or our higher purpose.
Whether aware of it of not, when we ignore our fundamental needs we can do harm to ourselves physically, emotionally or spiritually. This neglect manifests itself throughout our body and plays havoc with our energy.
When this happens we need a way to fix the situation and regain our sense of balance and stability. We can do this by aligning the energy within our chakras, and clearing away stagnant or blocked emotion and dealing with this imbalance.
Unlocking the Truth: Understanding and Balancing Your Chakras for Inner Harmony
A question I am often asked is “Are chakras real?” Until recently I would have answered that they are very real to people of certain faiths or beliefs, rather than scientifically proven. However this has changed in a very exiting way with scientific research that may well provide evidence and proof that centers do exist, A quote from the research paper is below.
Until recently chakras worth was viewed only as spiritual development. However, recent scientific studies have proven the opposite, uncovering several regulatory chakras in the human body are deeply related to human psychology. Scientists observed several regulatory micro-networks in the human body, deeply connected with immunity, health, mental peace, emotions and happiness.
Schneider, Adalbert & Cooper, N.J.. (2019). A Brief History of the Chakras in Human Body.
First let’s look at how energy works within our body. We need to understand the function of our bodies Nadi system, or Subtle Bodies, and understand why this energy system is crucial to maintaining our overall health and well being.
While most people will have heard of the term Chakra, they perhaps don’t fully understand how these energies impact upon our physical body, our emotional health and our overall sense of well being.
Each center relates to a specific type of energy, with an individual frequency and function for our overall health. Each of the 7 main energy centers form part of a highly complex system that flows throughout and surrounding our physical body.
This energy system is referred to by many names. Commonly known in the West as the Aura, in India as the Subtle Bodies, or in China as the Meridian system.
Regardless of the cultural reference, each belief system shares a belief in the existence of energy channels, and that each have a distinct frequency that they emit. They also share the belief that they supply our body with what we need physically, emotionally and spiritually to maintain optimal health.
where are chakras located And What Do They Do In Our Subtle Bodies?
Enhance balance with Muladhara – The Root Chakra for optimal chakras alignment.
- Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.
- In Balance: Vitality, Courage and Self Confidence
- Sound: note “C”
- Color: Red
- Meridian: Circulation / Sex and Large Intestine
- Location: Base of spine
- Physical Body Component: Spinal column, legs, feet, bones, teeth, large intestine
- Glands: Adrenals
- Emotional Component: Fear
- Purpose: Foundation
- Basic Rights: To be here and have
The root center energy provides us our sense of safety, security and how relate and connect to the world. This may be our attachment to family, those who raised us, immediate friendships and our sense or view of community.
Muladhara Guide
This energy center represents all physical energies. It is thought to be the home of Kundalini and represents the most earthly, physical and raw energies we utilize for our sense of safety, security and stability.
It controls and is responsible for our inherited beliefs. Our inherited beliefs are those that develop due to the experiences we have throughout our formative years, ( 0 – 7 years of age). If this period in our life was one that provided us with emotional security, where we felt loved and nurtured and we felt safe and connected to those around us the Root chakra will be balanced and flowing freely.
Those people whose formative years were challenging, lacking in love or emotional bonds, or who experienced serious trauma of any description are likely to carry energy imbalance within the root. .
When Muladhara is out of alignment we often face issues associated with our survival in society. This manifests as emotional dysfunction, stress, anxiousness and restlessness. It will impact the way we relate to others, our ability to adhere to societal norms, and how we view family and relationships.
Attachment issues may not necessarily be an inability to form close bonds or connections. In fact it may present as the opposite. We may display neediness for love and affection or display overt sexuality and behavior. We may have difficulty “letting go”, becoming easily jealous, possessive or be unable to recognize boundaries or the personal space of others.
Muladhara controls and enforces our sense of self-preservation, personal survival, our identity and how we see our place in the physical world.
All of the issues that manifest with a blocked, unbalanced or overactive Root can be resolved through meditation and holistic energy therapies such as Reiki.
Guided Meditation
Svadhisthana – The Sacral Chakra
- Zodiac signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio
- In Balance: Happiness, Confidence and Resourcefulness
- Sound: Notes “D” & “C#”
- Color: Orange
- Meridian: Bladder, Kidney and Large Intestine
- Location: Lower abdomen
- Physical Component: Pelvic area, sex organs, fluid functions, kidney and bladder
- Glands: Testicles and ovaries
- Emotional Component: Guilt
- Purpose: Movement and connection
- Basic Rights: To fear and to have pleasure
Svadhisthana is the second chakra, located above Muladhara in the lower abdomen, about 2 cm below the naval.
The Sacral is primarily concerned with relationships. It is responsible for a person’s relationship to creativity, sexuality, personal control and money.
Svadhisthana energy is linked to post formative years, (ages 8 to 14). This is the time when we begin to develop our unique individuality. Svadhisthana energy allows us to realize we are a separate entity. We learn that we are distinct from our parents and family.
During this time we are utilizing Svadhisthana and begin to recognize the absolute polarity of opposites: Male and Female, Positive and Negative (similar to the Tao, or Yin-Yang). We are in a stage which is all about feelings, creativity, sexual energy, and experiencing our own emotions.
This means we also need to learn how to express them. It is the time in our life when we are most likely to exhibit the desire for physical relationships, experience a first love and start to understand what it means to be within our body.
Are chakras the same energies for male and female? Yes, but how they manifest will be different and based upon our experiences. For the Sacral both will explore relationships and grow their understanding and beliefs about opposite/same sex relationships.
Svadhisthana Energy Guide
Blockages, imbalance or damage in this center will manifest as feelings of insecurity and be externalized by displays of sexual jealousy, betrayal, control and power plays.
Those who have Sacral imbalance have often experienced trauma during development of their individuality. This stems from feelings of being overshadowed, put down, ignored and rejected by protector figures.
Protectors are not necessarily our parents or family. They are the people who we placed on a pedestal who we admired and bestowed all our love, trust and affection. They are the people we expected would return the same to us. When these people do not return these feelings, or make us feel belittled or insecure it impacts on the health of the sacral center.
It is important that we learn to recognize imbalance and do something about it. If Svadhisthana imbalance is not rectified it can lead to self-enforced social isolation and feelings of inadequacy. If the Sacral energy is left unchecked it can lead to severe and restrictive depressive illness.
Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra
- Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
- In Balance: Wisdom, Clarity and Self Esteem
- Sound: Notes “E” & “Eb”
- Color: Yellow
- Meridian: Stomach, Spleen, Small Intestine, Gall Bladder, Liver
- Location: Solar plexus
- Physical Component: Liver, digestive system, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, muscles and lower back
- Glands: Pancreas and adrenals
- Emotional Component: Shame
- Purpose: Transformation
- Basic Rights: To act and to be an individual
Manipura is connects us with the ability to take action. The Solar Plexus controls and reinforces our worth, our self-esteem and the way we express our personal power. The age in life when we first experience energies of the Solar Plexus is when we are 15 to 21 years of age.
In adulthood Manipura is the energy center responsible for our relationship with external influences. Solar Plexus energy is responsible for our ability to love who we are. It allows us to develop the attributes of self-honoring and the realization that we have to make time and energy for ourselves. Without learning to accept self-love and self-acceptance we will be unable to understand how to give love appropriately to others.
Through Manipura energy we develop our personal power and how we display our empowerment, integrity and self-respect.
Manipura The Solar Plexus
A healthy Manipura honors and embeds the emotions of warmth, intellectual understanding and self-confidence. This is the energy which allows us to formulate our individuality and outward persona.
Imbalance or blockages in Manipura amplify any existing issues within Svadhisthana and Muladhara. This may worsen our fear of rejection or becoming overly sensitivity to criticism. This may manifest as a need to exert power over others.
Another sign of imbalance within the Solar Plexus are periods of uncontrolled, usually short lived, temper explosions. Solar Plexus imbalance may lead to us becoming overly demanding, blaming of others or developing highly judgmental attitudes.
We may also revert to self-destructive thought patterns. These feelings and thoughts may be externalized by a perceived lack of recognition, being aloof or displaying a fear of change and things new. This ultimately leads to low energy and personal confusion about which choices to make and which direction to take in life.
This can become a vicious cycle. Self destructive thoughts impact our ability to make choices. This then confirms our belief and the truth of our self destructive thoughts leading to a further lowering of self-esteem.
Anahata – The Heart Chakra
- Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra
- In Balance: Balance, Love and Self Control
- Sound: Notes “F” & “F#”
- Color: Green / pink
- Meridian: Heart
- Location: Chest
- Physical Component: Heart, blood circulation, lower lungs, ribcage, skin, upper back
- Glands: Thymus
- Emotional Component: Grief
- Purpose: Love and balance
- Basic Rights: To love and to be loved
The energy of Anahata allows us to see beyond ourselves. We start to explore the possibility that we are more than just what we see physically. We begin to ask questions and recognize that we are a combined state of energetic form (spirit, soul) and the already known physical/earthly form.
This is the moment in our development when we look out, rather than maintaining our intrinsic view of self. This time in life is governed by the development of love for ourselves and for others. It is recognised as the period of 22 to 28 years of age.
Are chakras all governed by the heart? This question is true. Anahata the Heart center is the integration point for all energy. The heart allows the lower three to receive spiritual nourishment from the upper three. Likewise the upper three can only be opened and balanced when the lower three are in alignment and flowing freely.
Anahata the Bridge Energy
Anahata is central to our life balance and holistic well being. If we are to gain true balance this only becomes possible by ensuring Anahata is healthy.
A balanced Heart Chakra assists in regulating and creating the required “harmony of balance” between the upper three and lower three chakra centers.
When Anahata is balanced and open we are able to love, accept love and forgive those who have in anyway mistreated or done us wrong. Physically our lungs are clear and our immune systems are healthy.
Having Anahata in balance and healthy is vital. Until we achieve balance within Anahata the higher vibrational chakras cannot be accessed. To access the higher, more spiritual energies, they must initially flow through Anahata. Only a fully functioning heart chakra is able to deliver the purity of energy required at the higher levels.
Imbalance, blockages and damage to Anahata is what is commonly referred to as having a “Heavy Heart”. In energetic terms the vibration is dense. This imbalance is usually because we are storing and retaining negative emotion that no longer serve our best interest.
A Heavy Heart is caused through resentment and anger. This stems from us denying our true thoughts, feelings and emotions further compounded by self loathing and guilt for not being honest with ourselves and others.
Anahata The Heart Chakra
When suffering an imbalance or blockage in Anahata we need to find methods to release the stored and trapped emotion. A Heavy Heart is not punishment or recognition of any personal wrongdoing. It is a consequence of past hurt and negative emotional experiences.
Of critical importance is that we accept it for what it is and release it. We must learn how to release it and not continue to suppress negative emotion. We are called to open our heart.
Trapped negative energy and heavy emotion can only be resolved when we forgive ourselves and others. Forgiveness and love allows the trapped emotion to surface. When it does it enables healing to occur and provides us the ability to fall in love with ourselves.
Imbalance in Anahata and holding heavy energy leads to bitterness and the inability to forgive (yourself or others).
How we display our love of self is ultimately how love will be reflected back to us. This must be one of the most difficult lessons in human existence. We can not control the emotions of others, we can only control our own. We can not make someone love us, we can only control the way we love ourselves.
Anahata provides the energy required to correct imbalance.
Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra
- Zodiac signs: None
- In Balance: Knowledge, Health and Communication
- Sound: Notes “G” & “G#”
- Color: Blue
- Meridian: Lung
- Location: Throat
- Physical Component: Jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs, nape of neck, arms
- Glands: Thyroid
- Emotional Component: Lies
- Purpose: Communication and creativity
- Basic Rights: To speak and hear the truth
Vishuddha is the energy of expression. Expressing our personal choice, showing willpower and acknowledging your right to speak and be heard.
The Throat Chakra energy enables the ability to speak our mind and offer what we know to be our own personal truth.
When balanced Vishuddha allows us to speak with authority, compassion and brings peace.
Vishuddha The Throat
Even if our opinion is at odds with others Vishuddha enables us to express ourselves in a manner that does not offend or cause harm.
It is through Vishuddha that we clarify what we want in life. A healthy throat chakra ensures your voice is clear and resonates with truth. Your words are communicated with conviction and sincerity.
With Vishuddha your voice will portray your trustworthiness and honesty of intent.
Blockages and imbalance in Vishuddha makes it difficult to communicate. We find that no matter how hard we try to communicate clearly we are unable to express what we want in the way that we want. We feel our voice is suppressed and swallowed by unrecognized emotion and feeling.
Vishuddha out of balance offers a voice which is weak. Communication is disordered and comes across as unclear or confused.
When balanced and functioning Vishuddha enhances the energy of integrity. The Throat Chakra is located between the heart and the head for the purpose of storing the vibrational energy required to maintain integrity.
Vishuddha enable we balance what we think (head) and what we feel (heart). Thereby allowing us to communicate reasoned and logical viewpoints, to speak our truths and to ensure we express this with integrity.
What we say, what we communicate and how we express our truth will either empower or disempower.
Vishuddha brings us the energy and ability of Self-empowerment and empowerment of others.
Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra
- Zodiac signs: None
- In Balance: Intuition, Mysticism and Understanding
- Sound: Notes “A” & “Bb”
- Color: Indigo
- Meridian: Triple Warmer
- Location: Forehead
- Physical Component: Face, ears, eyes, nose, sinuses, nervous system
- Glands: Pituitary
- Emotional Component: Illusion
- Purpose: To see beyond the physical
- Basic Rights: The right to see
Our intuition and our ability to see the truth comes from Ajna.
Ajna is the center of divine wisdom. Often referred to as the third eye, or the spiritual eye, this energy is the motivation for us starting to seek and know the truth in all things.
It is at this stage of Kundalini progressing up the Central Nadi, using the energy of Ajna, that we close our physical eyes. We now look at the world, not just through the physical but also the energetic and spiritual. We are more open to exploring the spiritual aspects of self and trusting in our intuition to guide us.
Are chakras all linked to intuition? Yes but only when all 7 are in balance. The difference is that Ajna the Third Eye gives us the ability to correctly perceive influences from outside the physical or seen world. Ajna provides energy that allows us to accept it as true and real.
Ajna The Third Eye
Blockages or imbalance in Ajna may cause individuals to overly worry about issues. They may suffer from poor concentration, have memory issues and can become delusional.
If not rectified this leads to a lowering of self-esteem may lead to the individual being labelled by others as unimaginative, indifferent and uncaring towards others and themselves.
Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra
- Zodiac sign: None
- In Balance: Beauty, Creativity and Inspiration
- Sound: Note “B”
- Color: Violet
- Meridian: Central and Governing
- Location: Cerebral cortex
- Physical Components: Right brain hemisphere, central nervous system, right eye
- Glands: Pineal
- Emotional Component: Attachment
- Purpose: Understanding
- Basic Rights: The right to know and to learn
Sahasrara, or the crown, is located on the top of the head.
The Crown Chakra spins very quickly and is represented as a 1000 petal lotus. The 1000 petal lotus Sahasrara is our direct connection to the Divine (or God). Through Sahasrara we receive guidance directly from the Divine.
This Divine Universal energy enters our Nadi, Subtle and Physical Body system through Sahasrara.
It is similar to the way physical life force energy enters via Muladhara the Root. The difference being that Divine Universal energy moves down the Central Nadi passing through the other energy centers and finishing at the root.
This completes a full flow of energies within the Nadi. Very much like connecting an energy circuit. In fact this is where the symbol for infinity comes from. It is the representative flow of energies with the body.
Vibrational frequency from the Divine enters Sahasrara and makes its way down Sushumna. It flows through all the energy centers and finishes at Muladhara (replenishing both Muladhara and Kundalini).
It is this replenished energy that is then fed up through the chakras finishing at Sahasrara and reconnecting with the Divine.
With Sahasrara in balance we are inspired by the Divine, the universe and filled with grace. We accept in and trust our connection to a power greater than ourselves.
Sahasrara the Crown
Blockages within Sahasrara can cause extreme confusion and severe bouts of unexplained depression. Individuals may lose faith in themselves leading to a fear of success and without ability to change or develop.
A blocked or unbalanced Sahasrara prevents energy flowing up from the lower 6. It also denies, and ultimately stops, the flow of energy from and connection with the Divine.
If this happens, as you can imagine, there is an extreme response. The externalization of a blocked Crown can manifest in two possible scenarios.
Either we overly compensates for the lack of Divine connection and develop a spiritual addiction. We become overzealous and radicalized as well as developing a dissociation with the physical world.
Or we amplify physical energy connections and become overly intellectual, analytical and develop extreme antagonistic feelings towards religion and established belief systems
Are Chakras Able to Be Balanced With The Same Meditation?
Yes. A simple and effective method to achieve balance in all energy centers is through the practice of meditation.
The following is a very effective and very simple meditation. This technique takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete and should be built in as a regular part of your self care routine.
To do this, make sure you are in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Relax and get yourself comfortable. Make the space as special and as sacred as you wish, in whatever way that makes you feel connected with the universe.
You can play music, light candles, burn incense, display fresh flowers. It really doesn’t matter. The point is that whatever ritual or routine you use it should help you to find your sense of calm and enable you to leave behind the stresses of the day and focus upon you.
Settle yourself and take a few deep breaths. Inhale through the nose. Exhale slowly through the mouth.
When you sense that you are ready you can begin.
Guided Visualization Meditation – A Journey Through The 7 Chakras
During this meditation we will focus on one Chakra at a time. We begin with Muladhara and finish with Sahasrara.
Visualize a small red colored dot forming at the base of your spine. As you focus on this small red spot, see it start to grow and expand.
Place your focus on the area of the where Muladhara resides. the base of the spine.
It is a brilliant rich shade of red. Truly pure and vibrant.
As you continue to focus your attention on this growing and expanding area of red you see that it is forming a circle and beginning to rotate in a clockwise direction.
It is turning slowly at first, but as the vibrant red light of Muladhara grows the disk of red energy begins to rotate faster.
Now see the red light of Muladhara grow and rotate clockwise, ever expanding. As you visualize the red light of Muladhara you see energy spiraling outwards and see it filling the entirety of your being.
The vibrant red energy is flooding you, filling you, filling your body and aura with beautiful pure red light – the energy of Muladhara.
Take time to enjoy this sensation. See that Muladhara is fully open. Red, Vivid, Spinning clockwise, and with each rotation sending she sends beautiful healing waves of red energy throughout your body.
Sense that this is the purest form of Muladhara’s energy. Know that these waves of red energy are clearing away any blockages you have built up. Sense her balancing and aligning to you.
Muladhara is open and aligned. Her energies flooding through the open the channels in your body and removing any past blocks. Feel these waves of pure energy making you strong and stable.
Visualize your Body and Aura filling with vibrant Red Color and know that you are being nourished with pure Root Chakra energy. It is now filling you and strengthening you. Take a few more moments to bask in this healing energy, thinking and focusing on just the sensations of Muladhara.
Know that any blocks and any imbalance is cleared. Believe it, know that it is so. And when ready, gently move your focus to Svadhisthana.
Repeat the same process for each remaining energy center. Focus on the next center making sure your visualization is using the appropriate color.
Take as much time as you need for each. Some will feel complete quickly, others may take longer. Trust yourself and your intuition. Trust that the time you spend on each is correct and right!
Once you have done this for each of the 7 chakras simply take a few more deep breaths and enjoy the rest of your day!
How Are Chakras Linked to Our Subtle Bodies?
Prana refers to all life force energies. These are the energies that are found in every part of our body. You may also hear Prana being referred to as the “subtle winds”. Prana is the totality of energy; It encompasses the subtle body plus the expendable energy produced by the body for use in everyday life
What Is the Subtle Body?
If you hear someone refer to the Subtle Bodies they are referring to, what is in western religious contexts known as, the Soul. The Subtle Bodies are the essence of life, the energy that remains post death and that energy which is immortal. The Subtle Bodies contain the chakras. It is the energy which reincarnates.
The nadi form a matrix, grid like structure, of energetic channels. Known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as the Meridian system.
The Nadi are believed to have a similar structure and design to our physical body’s arteries and veins. Nadi run throughout the subtle bodies therefore serving as conduits/pathways for the passage of Prana.
The Central Nadi (Sushumna) is the largest of all meridians. It runs within the spinal column and is directly connected to each of our 7 main chakras and central nervous system.
What are Chakras?
The Sanskrit word Chakra, when translated, means wheel or disk. In Ayurveda, Yoga and other Eastern practices the term refers to “wheels of energy” situated throughout our body.
Each has a Bija “seed-syllable”, or mantra, a vibrational tone (a Sanskrit word), a specific sound (matching a musical note) and also a particular color (spectrum colors).
Each have an association with specific astrological energies, emotional states and regions of the physical body.
It is within this swirling mass of energy where matter (our physical expendable energy) and consciousness (our subtle body) meet. This totality is our vital life force which keeps us balanced, healthy and full of life.
Each chakra is a large energy reservoir. Functionally they feed, and control, the supply of specific types throughout our body. They are located along Sushumna (the Central Nadi).
Sushumna is the major energy channel and runs the entire length of the subtle bodies, from the base of the spine to the third eye where it divides and becomes Ida and Pingala. These smaller nadi then weave and link and continue from Ajna to the Crown.
This central system is the hub for thousands of smaller, secondary Nadi. This grid of smaller Nadi are responsible for the distribution of the various Chakra energies throughout our body.
For those of you who wish to learn more you can find more information and other meditations on our website
I hope we have answered the question “What are chakras” and as always I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have tried the meditation please let me know how you found it. Please either leave a comment below or contact me directly using the contact form.