The 5 card theme looks at a specific theme or event. The cards signify the present situation, the influences, the challenges, the final outcome and the theme.
The Five Card Theme Tarot Spread

The Sun
Upright – positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality
Reversed – inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
The Sun is one of the most positive cards in the tarot deck, and its appearance in a reading usually indicates happiness, success, and enlightenment. The Sun is the nineteenth card of the Major Arcana and is associated with the astrological sign of the Sun.
The Sun card depicts a bright, radiant sun shining in a blue sky. A small child sits on a white horse, representing innocence, purity, and the beginning of a new journey. The child is naked, symbolizing openness and freedom from inhibitions. The child holds a banner with a red flag representing passion and vitality.
The Sun card is often interpreted as a symbol of enlightenment and self-discovery. It suggests that the querent is on the right path, and their hard work and positive attitude will be rewarded with success and happiness. The Sun indicates that the querent is going through a period of personal growth and transformation, and they should continue to pursue their goals with confidence and enthusiasm.
The Sun also represents clarity, warmth, and positivity. It suggests that the querent should focus on the positive aspects of their life and not dwell on negativity. The Sun is a reminder that life is a journey, and the querent should enjoy the journey rather than just focusing on the destination.
The Sun can also represent a sense of inner peace and contentment. It suggests that the querent has reached a level of emotional and spiritual maturity and is able to handle any challenges that come their way with ease and grace.
In a love reading, the Sun represents happiness, joy, and harmony in a relationship. It suggests that the relationship is healthy and strong, and both partners are enjoying each other’s company. In a career reading, the Sun suggests success, promotion, and recognition. The querent is likely to be rewarded for their hard work and dedication.
In a health reading, the Sun indicates vitality and good health. The querent is likely to have a lot of energy and feel optimistic about their health and well-being. The Sun can also suggest that the querent should spend more time outdoors and soak up the sun’s energy to improve their health.
In summary, the Sun is a card of optimism, positivity, and success. It suggests that the querent is on the right path and should continue to pursue their goals with enthusiasm. The Sun reminds the querent to focus on the positive aspects of their life and enjoy the journey. Overall, the Sun is a very positive card that brings hope, happiness, and a sense of inner peace.

The Emperor
Upright – authority, establishment, structure, father figure. The Emperor is the fourth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. It is a card that represents authority, structure, and stability. The image on the card usually depicts a regal figure sitting on a throne, holding a scepter in one hand and a globe or orb in the other. The Emperor is associated with the astrological sign Aries, which is known for its assertiveness, leadership skills, and confidence. This card often represents a strong and authoritative figure, such as a father or a boss, who is in a position of power and has the ability to make important decisions.
Interpreting The Emperor Card
When The Emperor appears in a tarot reading, it can be interpreted in a number of ways. Here are some common interpretations:
Leadership: The Emperor is a symbol of leadership and authority. When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the querent needs to take charge of a situation and assert their authority.
Structure: The Emperor represents structure and stability. It suggests that the querent may need to create a sense of order in their life, whether that be in their relationships, career, or personal life.
Discipline: The Emperor is associated with discipline and self-control. It suggests that the querent may need to exercise more self-discipline in order to achieve their goals.
Father figure: The Emperor is often associated with a father figure, whether that be the querent’s own father or another authority figure in their life. It may indicate that the querent needs to seek guidance or support from a paternal figure.
Masculine energy: The Emperor is a card that represents masculine energy. It suggests that the querent may need to tap into their own masculine energy, regardless of their gender, in order to assert themselves and take charge of a situation.
Logical thinking: The Emperor is associated with logic and rational thinking. It suggests that the querent may need to approach a situation with a clear and analytical mind in order to make the best decision. In conclusion, The Emperor is a powerful and important card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. It represents authority, structure, and stability, and can be interpreted in a number of different ways depending on the specific situation and context of the reading. Whether you are seeking guidance on your career, your relationships, or your personal life, The Emperor can provide valuable insight and direction.

The Chariot
Upright – control, willpower, success, action, determination. The Chariot is the seventh card of the Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. This card is often depicted with a warrior-like figure driving a chariot, pulled by two horses. The Chariot represents control, determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges. The Chariot is associated with the element of Water, which represents emotions, intuition, and creativity. This suggests that The Chariot is a card of emotional control and discipline, as well as the ability to harness creative energy for a specific purpose. The Chariot is also associated with the astrological sign of Cancer, which is known for its emotional depth, nurturing qualities, and tenacity. This indicates that The Chariot represents the power to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times.
When The Chariot appears in a Tarot reading, it can suggest the need to take control of a situation or overcome obstacles. The Chariot represents the power to succeed through determination, discipline, and focus. The Chariot can also indicate the need to balance conflicting forces or energies, such as balancing the rational and emotional aspects of the self.
In a more negative sense, The Chariot can indicate a lack of control or direction, leading to chaotic or destructive behavior. The Chariot can also represent an overemphasis on achieving success or victory, at the expense of personal relationships or inner peace.
The Chariot is a reminder of the power of determination and focus in achieving our goals. It encourages us to harness our emotions and creative energy for a specific purpose, but also reminds us to maintain balance and control. The Chariot is a symbol of the power to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times, and it reminds us to stay focused on our goals, even in the face of adversity. In some interpretations, The Chariot can also represent a journey or a quest, where the focus is on the journey itself rather than the destination. In this sense, The Chariot represents the power to persevere and overcome obstacles along the way.
Overall, The Chariot is a card that reminds us of the power of determination and focus in achieving our goals. It encourages us to harness our emotions and creative energy for a specific purpose, but also reminds us to maintain balance and control. The Chariot is a symbol of the power to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times, and it reminds us to stay focused on our goals, even in the face of adversity.

The World
Upright – completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed – seeking personal closure, short cuts, delays.
The World is the final card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck, representing completion, fulfillment, and wholeness. It depicts a naked woman (or sometimes a hermaphrodite figure) holding a wand in each hand, surrounded by a wreath with the four elemental symbols at each corner. The figure is often surrounded by four winged creatures, representing the four fixed signs of the zodiac.
Interpretation of The World card can vary depending on the context and position in the reading, but overall, it represents a sense of achievement, satisfaction, and completion. The card often suggests a feeling of integration, unity, and harmony with oneself and the world around us. It can indicate that the querent has reached a stage of mastery or accomplishment in a particular area of their life, or that they are on the cusp of reaching a long-held goal or aspiration.
In a tarot reading, The World may also suggest a time of transition and change. It can represent a turning point or a moment of closure, as the querent prepares to move on to new experiences and opportunities. The card may indicate a sense of being in limbo, suspended between the old and the new, and needing to let go of the past in order to move forward.
The World is a card of manifestation and manifestation of one’s desires. It suggests that the querent is in a position of power and has the ability to create the reality they desire through focused intention and action. It can indicate a time of expansion and growth, as the querent steps into a new level of abundance, prosperity, or personal fulfillment.
On a deeper level, The World represents the integration of the self, the alignment of the inner and outer worlds, and a sense of being in touch with one’s higher purpose or destiny. The card may suggest a time of spiritual awakening or enlightenment, as the querent gains a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.
In a love reading, The World may suggest a union or partnership that is fulfilling and harmonious. It can indicate a sense of completeness and wholeness within oneself and in the relationship, and a deepening of love and commitment.
In a career reading, The World may indicate the successful completion of a project or the attainment of a long-held goal. It can suggest a time of recognition, promotion, or advancement, as well as the need to expand one’s skills or knowledge in order to reach the next level.
Overall, The World is a card of achievement, completion, and integration. It represents a sense of fulfillment and wholeness, as well as a transition to new opportunities and experiences.

Upright – endings, change, transformation, transistion. The Death card is one of the most well-known cards in the Tarot deck’s Major Arcana. It is often depicted as a skeleton or Grim Reaper figure, carrying a scythe or sickle and riding a pale horse. The image of Death can be frightening, but it represents a powerful symbol of transformation, change, and renewal. At its core, the Death card represents the concept of endings and beginnings. It suggests that we must let go of what no longer serves us and embrace change to move forward. The Death card is a reminder that all things must come to an end, and that this ending is a necessary step in the cycle of life.
Interpreting the Death card can be challenging, as it can have many different meanings depending on the context in which it appears. Here are a few common interpretations:
Transformation and change: The Death card represents a transformative time in our lives, indicating that significant changes are coming. This can be interpreted as a call to let go of old patterns and habits that are no longer serving us, and to embrace new beginnings.
Endings and beginnings: The Death card also represents the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. This can be interpreted as a call to let go of past experiences and relationships that are holding us back and to embrace new opportunities.
Rebirth and renewal: The image of the Grim Reaper on the Death card can also be interpreted as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Just as the cycle of life includes death and rebirth, the Death card suggests that we must let go of old patterns and beliefs to make way for new growth and possibilities.
Acceptance and surrender: The Death card encourages us to accept the inevitability of change and to surrender to the natural flow of life. This can be interpreted as a call to let go of our resistance to change and to trust that everything happens for a reason.
A wake-up call: The Death card can also serve as a wake-up call, reminding us of our mortality and the preciousness of life. This can be interpreted as a call to live fully in the present moment and to make the most of every opportunity. Overall, the Death card is a powerful symbol of transformation and change. It reminds us that all things must come to an end and that this ending is a necessary step in the cycle of life. By embracing change and letting go of what no longer serves us, we can move forward with renewed energy and purpose.

The Empress
Upright – femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance. The Empress is a major arcana card in the tarot deck that represents fertility, nurturing, abundance, and creativity. She is often depicted as a woman sitting on a throne in a garden, surrounded by nature and abundance. At the core of The Empress’ interpretation is the concept of nurturing and abundance. She represents the motherly figure in the deck, and her presence is a symbol of care, love, and protection. She is the embodiment of feminine power, fertility, and creativity.
One interpretation of The Empress is that she represents a time of growth, expansion, and abundance. When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the querent is about to enter a period of great prosperity, success, and happiness. The Empress can also indicate that the querent will be surrounded by a loving and supportive community and that they will experience a sense of safety and comfort in their personal and professional life.
Another interpretation of The Empress is that she represents the power of creation and manifestation. She reminds us that we have the power to bring our ideas to life and to nurture them into fruition. When The Empress appears in a reading, it may suggest that the querent needs to focus on their creative projects and invest more time and energy into their passions. The card can also indicate that the querent needs to connect with their feminine energy and embrace their intuition to bring about the desired outcome.
The Empress is also associated with fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. In a reading, she may indicate that the querent is about to conceive a child or that a new project or idea is about to be born. The card can also signify the need to be patient and take care of oneself during a period of transition.
Another interpretation of The Empress is that she represents the balance between masculine and feminine energies. She reminds us that we need both assertiveness and nurturing to succeed in life. When The Empress appears in a reading, it may indicate that the querent needs to find a balance between their work life and personal life, or between their masculine and feminine energies.
In a love reading, The Empress can indicate a loving and nurturing partner who will provide the querent with emotional stability, safety, and comfort. The card may also indicate a pregnancy or the desire to start a family. Overall, The Empress is a card that represents the power of nurturing, abundance, and creativity. She reminds us of the importance of self-care and connecting with our feminine energy. When The Empress appears in a reading, it may indicate a period of growth, expansion, and prosperity, or the need to focus on creative projects and self-care.

The Tower
Upright – sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening. The Tower is one of the most dramatic and unsettling cards in the Tarot deck. It depicts a tall tower being struck by lightning and set ablaze, with two people falling from the top. The Tower represents destruction, chaos, and sudden change. Here are a few common interpretations of The Tower card:
Catastrophic change: The Tower card is often seen as a symbol of catastrophic change, whether it is a natural disaster, a personal crisis, or a global event. It represents the sudden and unexpected upheaval of our lives, and the sense of disorientation and chaos that can come with it. This card reminds us that change is a natural part of life and that we must be prepared to adapt and evolve in the face of adversity.
Breaking down illusions: The Tower card can also be interpreted as a symbol of breaking down illusions. It represents the collapse of false beliefs, limiting attitudes, and toxic patterns that have held us back. This card reminds us that we must be willing to confront the truth, even if it is painful or uncomfortable, in order to grow and evolve.
Ego death: The Tower card can also represent the concept of ego death. It represents the moment when our ego and our sense of identity are shattered, forcing us to confront our true selves. This card reminds us that we must be willing to let go of our attachment to the self-image that we have created and to embrace the deeper truth of who we are.
Rebuilding and renewal: Despite its dramatic imagery, The Tower card can also be interpreted as a symbol of rebuilding and renewal. It represents the opportunity to start anew, to rebuild our lives from the ground up, and to create something new and beautiful out of the ashes of the old. This card reminds us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, there is always the potential for growth, healing, and transformation. Overall, The Tower represents the sudden and catastrophic change that can occur in our lives, as well as the potential for growth and renewal that can emerge from these difficult experiences. This card reminds us that change is inevitable and that we must be willing to confront the truth, let go of our attachments, and embrace the unknown in order to grow and evolve.

The Fool
Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity.
The Fool is one of the most iconic and enigmatic cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. It is often represented as a young man with a backpack, carelessly walking towards the edge of a cliff, with his eyes turned upwards and a small white dog at his feet. The Fool is numbered 0 and is often interpreted as representing the beginning of a journey, a fresh start, or a new chapter in life. In a positive sense, the Fool card can signify a sense of liberation, a willingness to take risks, and a sense of adventure. It encourages us to step outside of our comfort zone and to take a leap of faith, knowing that the universe has our back. The Fool represents the fresh start that comes with a new beginning and reminds us that we have the power to create our own destiny.
Reversed Card – holding back, recklessness, risk taking. Reversed the Fool can be a warning to proceed with caution and to think through our actions before we take a leap. The Fool can represent naivety, recklessness, or a refusal to accept responsibility. It can signify a sense of detachment from reality or a lack of awareness of the consequences of our actions. In this sense, the Fool card encourages us to be mindful of our choices and to consider the potential risks and rewards of our decisions. It also reminds us to be mindful of our choices and to consider the potential consequences of our actions. Whether interpreted as a positive or negative omen, the Fool represents the power of the human spirit to create our own destiny and to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Fool card is the role of the small white dog at the Fool’s feet. In many interpretations, the dog represents the Fool’s intuition, his inner voice, or his higher self. The dog is a reminder to listen to our inner guidance, to trust our instincts, and to have faith in our own ability to navigate the unknown.
The Fool card can also represent the archetype of the eternal optimist. The Fool is someone who is not afraid to take risks, to follow his dreams, and to embrace the unknown. He is a symbol of hope, of faith in the universe, and of the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles. In conclusion, the Fool is a card of new beginnings, taking risks, and embracing the unknown. It is a reminder to trust our inner guidance, to listen to our intuition, and to have faith in the universe. The Fool encourages us to be open to possibilities, to step outside of our comfort zones, and to embrace the adventure of life. Whether interpreted as a positive or negative omen, the Fool represents the power of the human spirit to create our own destiny and to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The Moon
Upright – illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition. Reversed – release of fear, repressed, emotion, inner confusion. The Moon is the 18th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. It is a mysterious and complex card that is often associated with the subconscious mind, intuition, and the unknown. The imagery on The Moon card typically features a full moon shining down over a dark and misty landscape. In the foreground, a path leads between two pillars, with a wolf and a dog howling at the moon. In the distance, a crab emerges from the water, and in the sky, two towers are visible.
The Moon is a card that is rich with symbolism, and it can have a variety of interpretations depending on the context of the reading. Here are some possible interpretations:
Illusion and Deception: The Moon can represent a situation in which things are not as they seem. It can indicate that there is confusion or deceit at play and that the querent may need to look past the surface to uncover the truth.
Fear and Uncertainty: The Moon can also indicate a sense of fear or uncertainty. The dark and mysterious landscape can represent the unknown, and the path between the pillars can be seen as a journey into the depths of the subconscious mind. This card may be urging the querent to confront their fears and explore their innermost thoughts and feelings.
Intuition and Creativity: The Moon is often associated with the subconscious mind and intuition. It can indicate that the querent should trust their gut instincts and pay attention to their inner voice. This card may also be a sign that the querent is entering a period of heightened creativity and imagination.
Hidden Influences: The Moon can represent hidden influences that are at work in the querent’s life. These may be unconscious motivations, buried memories, or other factors that are impacting the querent’s decisions and actions.
Cycles and Changes: The Moon is closely tied to the cycles of nature and the phases of the moon. It can indicate that the querent is in a period of transition or change, and that they should be open to new possibilities and opportunities.
Nighttime and Dreams: The Moon is a card that is often associated with nighttime and dreams. It can indicate that the querent may be experiencing vivid dreams or psychic experiences, and that they should pay attention to their subconscious mind. In a Tarot reading, The Moon can have many different meanings depending on the context of the reading and the other cards that appear alongside it. However, it is often a card that indicates a need for introspection, exploration, and trusting one’s intuition. It can be a challenging card, but it can also be a powerful force for transformation and growth.
Before shuffling and selecting the five tarot cards, focus on your question. Then press the shuffle button. When you are ready you can click each card of the five card theme individually to reveal the insights for that specific card, or you can click the flip my cards button to reveal all of them at once.
The Five Card Theme Layout and Card Position Meaning.
The image below offers the explanation for the five card theme layout.
five card theme spread Possible Questions.
1. What is the root cause of the situation I am facing?
2. What is my biggest strength that can help me overcome this challenge?
3. What is my biggest weakness that I need to overcome in order to succeed?
4. What external factors are influencing the situation?
5. What internal factors are influencing the situation?
6. What can I do to improve my communication in this situation?
7. What can I do to strengthen my relationships with the people involved?
8. What opportunities are available to me in this situation?
9. What risks should I be aware of?
10. What is the likely outcome if I continue on my current path?
11. What is the best way to approach this situation?
12. What action should I take first to make progress?
13. What is the biggest lesson I can learn from this experience?
14. What is the message the universe is trying to communicate to me?
15. What is the true purpose of this situation?
16. What is the most important thing I need to focus on right now?
17. What is the most important thing I need to let go of in order to move forward?
18. What is the best way to find balance in my life?
19. What can I do to improve my financial situation?
20. What can I do to improve my career prospects?
21. What can I do to improve my relationships with my family?
22. What can I do to improve my relationships with my friends?
23. What can I do to improve my romantic relationships?
24. What is my biggest fear in this situation?
25. What is the best way to overcome my fear?
26. What are the hidden opportunities in this situation?
27. What are the potential pitfalls to avoid?
28. What are the best ways to deal with setbacks?
29. What are the best ways to deal with disappointments?
30. What are the best ways to deal with unexpected changes?
31. What are the best ways to deal with conflict?
32. What are the best ways to deal with betrayal?
33. What are the best ways to deal with loss?
34. What are the best ways to deal with failure?
35. What are the best ways to deal with success?
36. What are the best ways to deal with uncertainty?
37. What are the best ways to deal with self-doubt?
38. What are the best ways to deal with stress?
39. What are the best ways to deal with anxiety?
40. What are the best ways to deal with depression?
41. What are the best ways to nurture my spiritual growth?
42. What are the best ways to nurture my emotional growth?
43. What are the best ways to nurture my mental growth?
44. What are the best ways to nurture my physical growth?
45. What are the best ways to improve my intuition?
46. What are the best ways to improve my creativity?
47. What are the best ways to improve my problem-solving skills?
48. What are the best ways to improve my decision-making skills?
49. What are the best ways to improve my self-esteem?
50. What are the best ways to improve my overall well-being?
The five card theme tarot card spread is another excellent spread for divination.