Two Card Oracle Spread

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two card oracle spread

The two card oracle spread allow you to examine a question in a little more detail, or enable you to look at two aspects of a situation. It may the the cause and the outcome, or the decision and the potential. Here are some suggestions, but feel free to be creative with what you ask.

Two Card Oracle Guide Questions:

The following are guides as to how you can use the two card oracle spread.

Card 1: Aim – Card 2: Blockage

Using this spread the first card represents your desired outcome, or what it is you are wishing to achieve. The second card gives you insight into what currently is preventing you achieving the goal.

You can follow this with a further reading

Card 1: Blockage – Card 2: Solution

In this spread the first card is the blockage, or the problem that stands between you and your goal. The second card offers a solution and speaks to a different way forward which will address the issue and enable you to solve the problem.

Card 1: Ideal – Card 2: Settling for

Using this spread the first card reflects what you truly wish for, your desires, your goals, your ambition, whereas the second card represents your current situation, or what you are ‘settling for.’ If you understand this situation, you know what needs to change. However if you are unaware of why you are settling for less, you may wish to use the following spread to try to find out why this is the case.

Card 1: Situation – Card 2: Extra info

The first represents the situation, the place you are in right now. In the second card you will be offered additional information and insight into why the situation exists.

Card 1: Querent – Card 2: Adversary

In this spread the first card represents you, or the person you are reading the cards for. The second card represents the person, or the persons actions, who is holding you back or is for some reason ‘getting in the way’.

The two card oracle spread is useful for new readers and those practicing interpreting cards.

Additional Two Card Oracle Spreads

Daily Energy Guide Questions:

  1. Describe this day’s overall energy.
  2. How can I use this energy for my benefit?

Guidance from Higher Self or Spirit Guides:

  1. What do my spirit guides or spirit animals need me to know?
  2. What do I need to do to ensure I achieve this?
  3. What guidance or message does the universe have for me right now?
  4. What can I do to enhance my spiritual growth and connection?

Two Card Oracle For Action-Oriented Advice:

  1. What should I do about the current situation?
  2. What should I not do to ensure the problem doesn’t worsen?
  3. What is the current energy or theme that is influencing my life?
  4. What past experiences or patterns may be influencing my current situation?
  5. How can I best cultivate self-care and self-love in my life?

Two Card Oracle For Determining Strengths and Weaknesses:

  1. What are my current strengths I need to foster?
  2. What are the aspects of life I should focus on and improve?
  3. What actions or steps can I take to manifest my desired outcome?
  4. What challenges or obstacles may I encounter on this journey?
  5. What strengths or resources can I rely on to help me overcome these challenges?

For Differentiating Perception and Reality:

  1. How do I currently perceive and understand this current challenge?
  2. What is the reality of the issue that my spirit animals need me to become aware of?
  3. What aspects of my life should I focus on nurturing or developing at this time?
  4. What is the potential outcome or final result of my current path or decision?

When you are ready focus on your question, then press shuffle the cards until satisfied and flip them over for your answers. The first card gives the response to your first question and the second card provides the insight for your second. Then focus on both to see if there are any connections or patterns.

The Two Card Oracle Spread.

spirit animal oracle
healing - the elephant

Healing – The Elephant

Listen to your heart and mind. You can heal from past experiences. Bond with your loved ones at this time.

The elephant represents intelligence, overcoming obstacles, making logical decisions, a great memory, protection. and strength.

An elephant calls you to rely on your instincts and figure out who makes you feel unsafe.

Elephants represent family and friendship in unity and community together. Calls you to see that family comes first, however you choose to define family.

The color orange is said to help build confidence and stimulate mental activity.

Keywords: intelligence, overcoming obstacles, logical decisions, instincts, family, protection, safety, unity, community.

Number 18 stands for a sign of good luck and better days to come in your new life.

Blue sky represents open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

The image of the trees in the background might represent that transformation is now behind you and you are ready to move forward.

This card often comes up to invite you to remember that you have the strength to solve all your problems.

You can face your challenges and overcome obstacles with the resources that you already possess. You might consider the answer to overcoming these obstacles is to heal from your past experiences.

You may be called to start relying on both your logic and your instinct. Perhaps you have use one more than the other for some time. You will need to use both of them to overcome what currently stands in your way.

If you have felt stuck for a long time, but have continued this path regardless, the appearance of the elephant card invites you to know that it is time for change and find your right path.

The card calls you to remember how important it is to be surrounded by people you love. Don’t isolate yourself whenever you don’t feel good.

Nurture healthy relationships. You are being called to heal what was and move into your next stage of life. It is time to leave the pain in the past. Your loved ones are a strong part of your future.

The elephant appears at the time that is right for you to release past hurt, to heal and to find your true happiness.

Reversed – isolated, forgetting lessons learned

Listen to your heart and mind. You can heal from past experiences. Bond with your loved ones at this time.

The elephant represents intelligence, overcoming obstacles, making logical decisions, a great memory, protection. and strength.

An elephant calls you to rely on your instincts and figure out who makes you feel unsafe.

Elephants represent family and friendship in unity and community together. Calls you to see that family comes first, however you choose to define family.

The color orange is said to help build confidence and stimulate mental activity.

Keywords: intelligence, overcoming obstacles, logical decisions, instincts, family, protection, safety, unity, community.

Number 18 stands for a sign of good luck and better days to come in your new life.

Blue sky represents open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

The image of the trees in the background might represent that transformation is now behind you and you are ready to move forward.

This card often comes up to invite you to remember that you have the strength to solve all your problems.

You can face your challenges and overcome obstacles with the resources that you already possess. You might consider the answer to overcoming these obstacles is to heal from your past experiences.

You may be called to start relying on both your logic and your instinct. Perhaps you have use one more than the other for some time. You will need to use both of them to overcome what currently stands in your way.

If you have felt stuck for a long time, but have continued this path regardless, the appearance of the elephant card invites you to know that it is time for change and find your right path.

The card calls you to remember how important it is to be surrounded by people you love. Don’t isolate yourself whenever you don’t feel good.

Nurture healthy relationships. You are being called to heal what was and move into your next stage of life. It is time to leave the pain in the past. Your loved ones are a strong part of your future.

The elephant appears at the time that is right for you to release past hurt, to heal and to find your true happiness.

spirit animal oracle
seek - the deer

Seek – The Deer

Believe in peace and balance. Find it for yourself and your family. Seek inspiration and guidance.

Deer are messengers from the spiritual world. They may appear in a person’s life to offer guidance or to help them find their way. They represent the qualities of gentleness, compassion, and innocence. They remind us to take time for ourselves and enjoy life’s simple things.

Blue sky represents open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

Keywords: inner guidance, wisdom, intuition, gentleness, compassion, innocence, new beginnings.

Number 24 is associated with inner guidance, inner wisdom and intuition.

Deer represent new beginnings and remind us that there is always something fresh to explore in life.

The card can represent creativity, imagination, and intuition. Those who dream of being chased by one may be experiencing fear they are not living up to their true potential.

You might be called right now to take time for yourself and allow your creative juices to flow freely.

The card can mean that transformation is coming and remind you that change is coming. It may be a change in your career or your life in general. The deer wants you to acknowledge it and make the necessary changes so that you can move forward.

Deer are known for their gracefulness, their beauty, and the way they move. But there is so much more to deer than just these things.

Deer have a deep connection with nature and the earth. They are intelligent creatures who can sense danger well before we do.

How might you be called to be more like the deer?

You may also be called to be mindful of your surroundings and not get too caught up in day-to-day affairs.

Reversed – too compassionate, easily taken advantage of.

Believe in peace and balance. Find it for yourself and your family. Seek inspiration and guidance.

Deer are messengers from the spiritual world. They may appear in a person’s life to offer guidance or to help them find their way. They represent the qualities of gentleness, compassion, and innocence. They remind us to take time for ourselves and enjoy life’s simple things.

Blue sky represents open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

Keywords: inner guidance, wisdom, intuition, gentleness, compassion, innocence, new beginnings.

Number 24 is associated with inner guidance, inner wisdom and intuition.

Deer represent new beginnings and remind us that there is always something fresh to explore in life.

The card can represent creativity, imagination, and intuition. Those who dream of being chased by one may be experiencing fear they are not living up to their true potential.

You might be called right now to take time for yourself and allow your creative juices to flow freely.

The card can mean that transformation is coming and remind you that change is coming. It may be a change in your career or your life in general. The deer wants you to acknowledge it and make the necessary changes so that you can move forward.

Deer are known for their gracefulness, their beauty, and the way they move. But there is so much more to deer than just these things.

Deer have a deep connection with nature and the earth. They are intelligent creatures who can sense danger well before we do.

How might you be called to be more like the deer?

You may also be called to be mindful of your surroundings and not get too caught up in day-to-day affairs.

Focus And Shuffle
Flip The Card
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