The two card oracle spread allow you to examine a question in a little more detail, or enable you to look at two aspects of a situation. It may the the cause and the outcome, or the decision and the potential. Here are some suggestions, but feel free to be creative with what you ask.
Two Card Oracle Guide Questions:
The following are guides as to how you can use the two card oracle spread.
Card 1: Aim – Card 2: Blockage
Using this spread the first card represents your desired outcome, or what it is you are wishing to achieve. The second card gives you insight into what currently is preventing you achieving the goal.
You can follow this with a further reading
Card 1: Blockage – Card 2: Solution
In this spread the first card is the blockage, or the problem that stands between you and your goal. The second card offers a solution and speaks to a different way forward which will address the issue and enable you to solve the problem.
Card 1: Ideal – Card 2: Settling for
Using this spread the first card reflects what you truly wish for, your desires, your goals, your ambition, whereas the second card represents your current situation, or what you are ‘settling for.’ If you understand this situation, you know what needs to change. However if you are unaware of why you are settling for less, you may wish to use the following spread to try to find out why this is the case.
Card 1: Situation – Card 2: Extra info
The first represents the situation, the place you are in right now. In the second card you will be offered additional information and insight into why the situation exists.
Card 1: Querent – Card 2: Adversary
In this spread the first card represents you, or the person you are reading the cards for. The second card represents the person, or the persons actions, who is holding you back or is for some reason ‘getting in the way’.
The two card oracle spread is useful for new readers and those practicing interpreting cards.
Additional Two Card Oracle Spreads
Daily Energy Guide Questions:
- Describe this day’s overall energy.
- How can I use this energy for my benefit?
Guidance from Higher Self or Spirit Guides:
- What do my spirit guides or spirit animals need me to know?
- What do I need to do to ensure I achieve this?
- What guidance or message does the universe have for me right now?
- What can I do to enhance my spiritual growth and connection?
Two Card Oracle For Action-Oriented Advice:
- What should I do about the current situation?
- What should I not do to ensure the problem doesn’t worsen?
- What is the current energy or theme that is influencing my life?
- What past experiences or patterns may be influencing my current situation?
- How can I best cultivate self-care and self-love in my life?
Two Card Oracle For Determining Strengths and Weaknesses:
- What are my current strengths I need to foster?
- What are the aspects of life I should focus on and improve?
- What actions or steps can I take to manifest my desired outcome?
- What challenges or obstacles may I encounter on this journey?
- What strengths or resources can I rely on to help me overcome these challenges?
For Differentiating Perception and Reality:
- How do I currently perceive and understand this current challenge?
- What is the reality of the issue that my spirit animals need me to become aware of?
- What aspects of my life should I focus on nurturing or developing at this time?
- What is the potential outcome or final result of my current path or decision?
When you are ready focus on your question, then press shuffle the cards until satisfied and flip them over for your answers. The first card gives the response to your first question and the second card provides the insight for your second. Then focus on both to see if there are any connections or patterns.