The aura is the energy field that surrounds every living thing. It is composed of different shades and hues, each with its own definition and significance. They are uniquely ours, allowing for a deep understanding of a person’s emotional state, physical health, and spiritual development.
This post steps you through how to interpret the meaning of aura colors, and enables you to analyze them to gain a better insight into your emotions and those of others. The knowledge of these energetic colorations can help you make better decisions in life and become more mindful of your thoughts and actions. Join us as we offer an intuitive approach to overall health and wellbeing through the key colors of your energy field.
Meanings Within A Person’s Aura
The aura is an electromagnetic field that completely encases and surrounds your body. When viewed it is oval, resembling the shape of an egg, which fully encompasses your entire body. It is not single thing. It is a matrix comprised of several layers known as the Subtle Bodies.
This includes the seven main chakras and the Nadi system. The Nadi system is a network of energy channels that run throughout your body. Sushumna is the main nadi, it runs the length of the spine and is the channel on which all your chakras sit.
Chakras are an integral part of our energy system. Each has a color, a vibration and a frequency which directly influence our aura colors. We all tend to use one (and sometimes two) chakra centers more than the others. And it is this sets the base shade of a person’s aura. It is the color of the energy you are drawing from most of the time.
The following is the base shade determined by your dominant chakra.
- Muladhara The Root is Red
- Svadhisthana the Sacral is Orange
- Manipura the Solar Plexus is Yellow
- Anahata the Heart is Green (or Pink)
- Vishuddha the Throat is Blue,
- Ajna the Third Eye is Indigo,
- Sahasrara the Crown Chakra is Violet.
To give you an example, imagine someone you know, who is stable, solid and rooted firmly in their family and community. This person is likely to have base shades of clear and clean red. If however this person was someone who loved to be heard, spoke confidently and clearly and seemed to have an ability to express their own point of view, then it would be likely to find they have shades of blue as their base.
Enhancing Your Wellbeing With Aura Readings: A Closer Look
Your aura holds information related to your past, present, and potential future. Everything you view and all that it contains is a reflection of some aspect of your life. Below are some real life examples. For each I have provided the type of information the colors can reveal and an actual example of readings I have given and the interpretations made.
Aura colors reveal information about:
- Your Personality
- Imagine you meet someone with a vibrant, golden aura. This often indicates a joyful and charismatic personality. I observed the aura of a life coach, and could observe that her golden aura allowed her to connect deeply with her clients, radiating warmth and positivity drawing people to her sessions.
- Your Current Mood
- I observed that a client with a normally bright blue aura had developed large murky patches. We explored this and he revealed that he was going through a very stressful time at work. The blue turning murky reflected his heightened anxiety. This was a sign he needed to pay attention to his self-care practices like meditation and relaxation to restore his calm.
- Your Recent Emotional State
- After experiencing a breakup, I noted that a client had developed a large opaque patch over her heart. We spent time discussing the need for her to heal, but not to block her emotions. She had started to build a heart wall, which blocks all emotion and feeling. This ultimately causes more damage. We discussed the need for her to express her feelings and not block them.
- Your Physical Health
- In another client I saw a dullness in his typically vibrant green aura. I spoke to him about this and prompted him to visit a doctor. When we find dull areas this often indicates a lack of energy, or blocked energy, around that physical place. When I mentioned it he said he had been feeling under the weather for a while. He went to the doctor which lead to an early diagnosis of a minor health issue that was quickly addressed.
- Your Personal Power
- A client was going through a very challenging time at work. Her aura had developed a very vibrant and powerful red energy around her root chakra and also across the top of her head. I told her that she should not be concerned and that this showed that she had the determination and leadership to be successful. I saw her a few weeks later and she said her team had successfully completed the project on time and she had received recognition for her inspirational leadership..
- The State of Your Personal Relationships
- In times of entering into a new harmonious relationship, a person’s aura usually shines with a soft pink hue. A regular client came to see me and I mentioned that she had a lot of pink. This prompted her to tell me she had just become engaged. The pink shades symbolized the love and harmony she felt with her partner.
- The Energetic Balance of Your Chakras – Blockages and Imbalance
- Another client mentioned he had suffered frequent throat infections since a child. In his aura there were no signs of blockages but the blue region, corresponding to the throat chakra was massive. I told him that he needed to start expressing himself and making his voice heard. This insight led him to practice affirmations and improve his communication skills. Over a period of time his confidence grew and he experienced far fewer incidents of throat related issues.
- Aspects of Health You Need to Give Attention
- One clients aura revealed dark spots around her lower back area, indicating potential health issues. I told her and she went to her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the early stages of a kidney infection. Medication and drinking more water saw these spots disappear.
- Your Spirituality
- A friend of mine is a gifted spiritual healer. His aura is always dominated by violet. This symbolizes his deep connection with higher consciousness. It is also why people, myself included, always feel spiritually aligned and at peace after spending time with him.
Practical Applications of Aura Readings
Aura readings can significantly enhance your overall wellness by offering insights into various aspects of your life. Here’s how:
- Self-awareness: Understanding your aura can help you become more attuned to your emotions, health, and relationships. This self-awareness is the first step toward personal growth and healing.
- Preventive Health: By noticing changes in your aura, you can take proactive steps to address health issues before they become serious, fostering a preventive approach to wellbeing.
- Improved Relationships: Aura readings can reveal underlying issues in personal relationships, allowing for more effective communication and resolution of conflicts.
- Enhanced Personal Power: Recognizing the state of your aura can boost your confidence and personal power, helping you navigate challenges with greater ease.
- Spiritual Growth: For those on a spiritual path, aura readings offer a deeper understanding of their spiritual state and progress, guiding them toward enlightenment and peace.
So let’s start and move step by step, through the different layers and colors of auras to build a thorough picture!
How To See The Color of Auras
To start seeing the color of auras you need to make the time to practice. Most people find initially they can only see the etheric layer. This is your base shade and is the most earthly, making it much easier to see.
You gain excellent insight into a persons health and well-being even if it is just the base you can see. You will soon start to see dark patches of energy, meaning the chakra may be over active. You may also soon see areas where there is very little color. This indicates the chakra may be blocked and in need of attention.
“Even if people can’t see the aura, we can all feel it,” says Pamala Oslie, an aura expert and author of Life Colors: What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal. She continues, “This is why some people are magnetizing and other people feel dangerous from the first meeting.”
As well as providing a view of current health you will see blockage and imbalance as well as overactivity or underactivity. This may reflect past trauma, stored emotion that needs clearing, or a need to find balance. The base shade has an influence on our personality, and is where we get our characteristics and traits. The following are examples of how base shades influence a persons choices:
- Nurses, Doctors, Healers tend to reflect green or turquoise
- Analytical thinkers reflect yellow
- Teachers or those in academia have a lot of bright blue
- Adventurers display red that is clear, bright and balanced
- Murky or muddy red indicates someone feeling unsafe and disconnected.
To view and interpret the meaning of aura colors and what the different shades reveal you need to develop your skills to see beyond the base etheric layer. Make time and practice viewing. The effort and time will be well rewarded when you start to see the other layers appear, along with their various shades and tones. Once you see the individual layers, you will soon see aura shapes, patterns and objects. This gives you incredible insight, and very detailed, highly specific information.
Once distinct shades, tones and hues can be seen you can begin to match the aura colors meaning to the other things you see. For example, if you view someone who has a red base but is displaying yellow patches around the belly it indicates they have lost trust. It shows an inability to form connections because of broken trust.
If individual colors are seen note where it is seen and the size or ratio compared to the base. Note its intensity. Is it vibrant or dull? Deep or Pale? Is it thick and heavy, or does it have transparency. You need to record all that you see so you are able to start placing the meaning together.
Do Aura Colors Change?
A common belief is that your aura colors remain the same color throughout life. This isn’t correct, but it is understandable why they think that it is. It stems from the base shade of the aura being drawn from the dominant chakra. All of us have a main coloration associated with the dominant center. This is why it is the color that people assume is constant on our life path.
It is true that your base coloration is unlikely to change. However the colors seen in your aura do change. They represent you and reflect the energies you are using or lacking at that moment. For example, if you were to view someone meditating you would probably see purple and indigo tones. You should not interpret this meaning it is always purple. It is simply reflecting the dominant energy being used at that point in time.
In the same way, if you were to view someone having a heated argument, you would likely see dark, murky reds and browns. These are the aura colors of anger. If you viewed the same person doing something they love the coloration is likely to be different. To view the true base you need to view them at rest. Another way to view a persons base shade is to ask them to sit and allow you to practice your viewing. They will display their true colors, simply because it is what they are now focused on.
The major color changes will be seen in individual layers and in a variety of shades, tones and hues. They can take any form but commonly are dots, smudges, swirls, or bands. They reflect energy spikes, imbalance or depletion at that moment in time.
When you start to analyze and interpret aura colors, you need to trust what you see and what you feel. Your physical sight and intuition must work together. This is when you will be able to interpret that white stars in the area above the head indicates Angel communication, or that gold radiating from the heart means a long held dream is about to manifest in reality.
Download The Aura Colors Chart Today!
70 colors and shades explained, Map of the 5 Zones and energy flow chart and a guide to shapes in the Aura chart. Free!
Cleanse Your Aura To Remove Blocks.
When you begin aura reading it is important to start fresh with a clean energetic state. This helps to release energy blocks and negativity, allowing you to see your, and others, natural shades. To do this start by finding a quiet space where you can relax.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to become present in the moment. Focus on your breath, allowing it to become slow and steady. As you inhale, imagine drawing in pure, vibrant energy from the universe. Feel it filling every cell of your body, revitalizing and renewing you.
With each exhale, visualize any stagnant or negative emotion being released and transformed into light. And finally see the light surrounding you, purifying you and your auric field. Note how charged, awakened and positive you feel. Trust that when you cleanse your aura you are able to restore harmony. When you begin your reading remember to express gratitude for newfound clarity and the positivity that radiates from a revitalized and cleansed aura.
The Science Behind Auras.
It is widely accepted by most that the body emits energy. Scientific technology now allows us to capture the aura colors by photography. Kirlian, and some other specialized camera equipment, can be used for auric photography. The images above are examples. You can see details of the palms and a male fingerprint.
Radiant Humans Christina Lonsdale, a Portland-based artist, explains how aura photography reveals the energy field. She states, “The camera uses hand sensors that pick up this energy field and a proprietary algorithm matches this energy to a color” . This approach to aura reading provides a tangible connection between aura colors and science.
Interpreting Color Meaning In An Aura Reading
What do aura colors mean? In this section we answer this question by giving details about coloration and some specific examples of shades and how they can be interpreted. Each of the base colors have both positive and negative meaning, reflecting the yin and yang.
It is important to pay attention to shade, hue, tone and density. This analysis goes well beyond the shade of your dominant chakra. It provides insight on the recent past, the energy used now, and signposts what may be needed in the very near future.
1) Red Aura and Shades Explained.
Red in your aura is closely associated with Muladhara the root chakra, and physically link to circulation, the heart and the energy requirements of the physical body. In a positive light, a red aura means someone with a healthy ego, positive competitiveness and a strong sense of connection.
They will be at peace, feeling safe, secure and stable. Negative traits may be displayed as exaggerated emotions, outbursts of anger or an unforgiving nature. If the color is muted or weak it indicates anxiety or feeling nervous.
“Red indicates you are likely an energetic and fiery person”, according to Rachelle Terry from MBG. She says “Red auras indicate someone who is quick at putting thoughts into actions. They are the people that don’t read instruction manuals.”
Shades Of Red and Pink
- Deep – shows strong will, being grounded, a balanced sense of survival and being realistic.
- Muddy – Anger. The location usually provides the reason or nature of the anger.
- Clear – A person with a lot of clear red is powerful, sensual and passionate. It indicates a zest for life and a highly competitive nature. The density and ratio will determine if those traits are positive or negative.
- Orangey Red – shows confidence.
A pink aura aligns with red, however you will see it has some features that are more similar to green.
- Bright Pink – indicates a sensual and artistic person and links to affection, love, sensitivity and compassion.
- Light – innocence, purity and indicates clairaudience.
- Dark Muddy – displays dishonesty and emotional immaturity.
2) Orange Aura Color Meanings.
People with an orange aura associate with Svadhisthana, which is linked to the reproductive organs and emotional feelings. Overall it signals good health, vitality and excitement. In a positive light, an orange aura indicates someone who is highly productive, creative, sociable, sensual and courageous. In a negative light, it may lead to, or be indicative of, high levels of stress, anxiety and addiction.
Shades Of Orange
- Yellowy-Orange – shows intelligence and a detail oriented person. They are scientific, creative, and a perfectionist.
- Brown tones – indicate a person with low levels of ambition, laziness and repressed emotions that need to be released and cleared.
3) Yellow Aura Shades and Colors.
Yellow is the color of Manipura, and links physically to the spleen and independence. It is associated with a bright-nature, happiness, cheerfulness, confidence, and inspiration. Spiritually it is linked to “awakenings” and, like the sun, suggests the dawning of something new. A Yellow Aura indicates a person of optimism with an easy-going and friendly nature.
Positive traits abound as it is also linked to cleverness and intelligence, having a love for learning and a flair for academia. Negatively too much can lead to scattered thoughts or hyperactivity. If the shade is neon tinted it indicates a blockage of energy which can lead to negativity and low self esteem.
Shades Of Yellow
- Pale Yellow – linked to psychic and spiritual awareness. It also signifies optimism, hopefulness and positivity.
- Overly Bright or Neon – indicates a fear of losing control, losing or lacking respect. Over bright indicates inner power struggles. Whereas Neon may be a sign of poor self image and negativity.
- Clear Metallic Gold – signifies a spirituality activated person or one going through an inspirational, spiritual or emotional awakening.
- Dark Muddy Yellowish Gold – indicates fatigue and stress, usually linked to learning, studying or trying to gain too much knowledge at the same time.
4) Green Aura Colors Explained.
Green is associated with Anahata, and pertains to our heart and lungs. It is the expression of comfort, compassion and love, as well as being the color of nature. It indicates positive health and well being Those with a green aura are healthy and vital. It represents balance, growth, the ability to accept change, and a love for people, animals and the natural world. In a negative light it can be associated with envy, jealousy (green eyed monster) and insecurity.
Shades Of Green.
- Emerald – indicates a natural healer and a deeply compassionate and loving person.
- Yellow Green – is linked with being open, expression of heartfelt communication and high creativity.
- Muddy Forest – a person struggling with jealousy. A tendency to be, or play, the victim. Insecurity and a habit of blaming others.
- Deep Brown – deeper than forest shows someone highly sensitive to criticism and who lacks the ability to accept personal responsibility for the issues in their life.
5) Turquoise Shades.
Turquoise is one of the colors most rarely seen. It is a blend of energies and is linked to a love of healing, being a spiritual seeker, and positive communication. Physically it is linked to the immune system. It indicates a highly sensitive and compassionate person and is most often seen in those who are healers or therapists.
6) Blue Aura Colors And Their Meanings.
Blue, is the color of the throat chakra, Vishuddha, and relates physically to our throat and the thyroid. It is associated with being “cool, calm and collected”. It symbolizes compassion and the development of a caring and loving nature. People with blue auras are natural communicators and orators. The lighter the shade the clearer their communication will be.
It is closely associated with spiritual sensitivity and having second sight. Blue associates with peacefulness, clarity and developed intuition. Conversely murky dark blue can indicate fear, dishonesty and difficulty in communication.
Shades Of Blue
- Pale shades – indicates peacefulness and clarity. This person relies on instinct and is truthful.
- Royal Blue – Highly spiritual and often indicates clairvoyance. This person will be very generous and always open to new opportunities.
- Murky or dark patchy – indicates a fear of expression, fear of the future and fear of speaking their truth.
7) Indigo In Aura Meaning.
The color Indigo is associated with the Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, and is linked to the pituitary gland and the ability to operate spiritually in the physical realm. People this color in their aura rely on their intuition, spirituality, and their feelings run deep. If it is only seen from the neck up they may be going through a spiritual awakening or developing their psychic sensitivity.
Because it is formed from red and blue, these people are able to function in both the spiritual world as well as the physical plane. Indigo Auras tend to be seen in those who are brave and fearless, both in the face of severe threat and dealing with life’s general challenges. They can be extremely passionate and they delve into the appearance of others on the inside, rather than the external physical appearance.
“An indigo aura often indicates a highly sensitive and empathic person,” says Megan Michaela Firester (Mystic Michaela). She states “Darker shades of indigo can show an overwhelm of others’ energies within themselves.” This insight helps in understanding how empathic individuals can manage their emotional health.
8) Violet Aura Colors and what they mean.
Violet, is associated with Sahasrara, and physically linked to the pineal gland and our nervous system. It is the most delicate, and the most sensitive color of the auric field. A person with a violet aura will be highly intuitive, rely on their feelings and will be seen as visionary in the physical world and spiritually gifted. This color reveals developing, or developed, psychic ability. These people are often referred to by others as magical, deeply psychic and are highly artistic.
People with violet are dynamic, charming, confident, and can be very futuristic in thought. They are in sync with their emotions and those of others, making them highly empathetic. Their personality is one of natural leadership and intelligence. However if imbalanced this can be seen as arrogance, or worse, narcissism. It may also lead to limitations in the physical realm and becoming obsessed with the spiritual.
9) Lavender Tones
Lavender is associated with Ajna and Sahasrara and so is deeply spiritual and positive in nature. It pertains to vision, spiritual connections and creative imagination. However a person with too much lavender needs to reminded of the need to stay connected to the physical world, even when things are boring. This is because lavender folk are life’s daydreamers and if not careful can find they spend most of their time lost in dreams.
Meaning Of Different Aura Colors
Some shades and tones that are seen will not necessarily fit quite so neatly to a specific chakra energy. This is due to them drawing from several source energies. The most commonly seen are:
10) Silver Tones
Silver is linked to spirituality and highlights abundance. Silver in an auric field will be seen in the area of the body related to the abundance.
Shades Of Silver.
- A patch of very bright intense silver indicates one of 2 things. The first is an abundance of money coming, or that is already in their possession. The second is indicative of a significant spiritual event (usually a deeper awakening).
- Metallic Translucent Silver – indicates a person who is nurturing. They are also highly intuitive and someone who comes up with new ideas.
- Muddy Silver Grey – patches indicate a build-up of unreleased fear in the body. This can lead to blocks in the chakras and imbalance of bodily energy. It can indicate, or lead to, health problems associated with the location of the physical area of the body where it is seen.
- Dirty Silver Grey is seen as a film, or thin transparent, overlay. This shows blockage and imbalance in all 7 chakras and will manifest in someone as a skeptical nature with a mistrust of others. It is important to engage in meditation or healing such as Reiki, to clear blocks in the energy field. We have an easy meditation which will open, balance and cleanse the chakras. This will remove this negativity and trapped emotion.
11) Gold color meanings.
Gold is magnificent to find within the aura. It indicates a person who has “divine protection” and spiritual awareness. They may be enlightened, or on the way to enlightenment. Gold means the person is encased within divine energy and has access to universal guidance.
This person will be full of life while seeming to have the wisdom of ages. They have a profound sense of inner peace with highly developed intuition. Spiritually they are the teachers, leaders and guides of others.
12) Black Colors.
Black is probably an easy guess. Think about how folklore and literature associates it with negativity and being on the wrong path. In history we associate it with death or the portrayal of evil. Black in your aura signals something in that location needs to be investigated. It is associated with duality, so may indicate the need to look at both sides of an argument, or investigate an issue from all perspectives. If a bright shiny shade it indicates death but of a positive nature, as it means transformation resulting in positive change.
It is associated with past life issues not yet dealt with, and that may be manifesting as negativity or anger. This is usually caused through bottling up and storing emotions related to trauma and grief. It is important to remember that black can be released. If seen it is best to clear that it is cleared from the aura.
13) White Color Of Aura.
Like Black, white also has significance in folklore and literature and is a universal symbol of protection, purity and goodness. White is a reflective energy and signals purity and a radiant energy. Seeing dense patches or if it coats the exterior boundary of the energy field, it signifies a person who knows, and speaks, the truth.
White in the aura can indicate a person who embodies purity, without prudishness. They are the people others label as displaying “angelic” qualities. If the white you see are bright, moving and sparkling stars, dots or specks it signals angels are present and are trying to communicate.
“Those with white auras are unconcerned with worldly matters like ambition”, says Maya Khamala of Goalcast, she states “They tend to focus their energies on pursuits like truth or purity. These seekers of cosmic wisdom have energy that is uplifting and non judgmental.”
Note: If you ever see dirty patchy white this may signal a possible or potential illness. It needs to be cleared in the same way discussed for black.
14) Other Earth Tone Colors.
If you see shapes and hues as forms found in nature, for example a brown patch that reminds you of a branch, or green that look like leaves this shows a person who is very attached to the earth and well grounded. They are often the aura colors seen in people who work, or live, on the land and have a strong connection to nature. The only earthly shade that requires clearing are dense patches of solid brown. This indicates a tendency to be greedy, close minded and self-absorbed.
If the patch of brown is not solid and dense, but appears to be a translucent film or overlay, (meaning you can see the other elements behind it) the color represents someone holding onto insecurity and storing negative energy. This needs to be cleared using chakra meditation techniques it leads to emotional issues.
15) The Rainbow Aura.
You may also see actual Rainbows. They are usually straight lines rather than arched. They are usually seen emanating from the hand or the head, however they can come from any part of the body. A rainbow aura signals a highly developed, and gifted, spiritual energy healer. When the rainbow is seen it is indicative that their healing abilities are being activated or used.
Want To Learn Intuitive Aura Reading?
Take our online course! Learn how to view the layers and interpret what you see. Full instruction, and over 50 hours of video tutorials plus much more! Experts explain how to find the right information intuitively and provide practical techniques to develop your sight.
I hope you enjoyed this post and you now have deeper understanding of aura colors. This knowledge and understanding can lead to greater wellness and happiness, and that of others. If you would like to ask questions or offer your thoughts please do so using the comment thread below. Or alternatively you are welcome to contact me directly.
Aura Colors FAQ
How Can I Find Out The Color Of My Aura?
To discover you coloration you can visit and aura reader, or meditate asking your inner self for guidance or you can view yourself by following these steps:
1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
2. Sit facing a mirror, with your reflection against a blank white wall (or plain colored).
3. Relax and gaze at your forehead keeping your your focus soft.
4. Soft focus is sometime easier when you focus and allow your to gaze past you, almost beyond you.
5. You will see the etheric beginning to form around your body, keep your soft gaze and you will see a color appear.You should see your etheric easily on the first attempt, however it can take several sessions before you see color, although you also may well see it on the first time. This is different for everyone.
My Question Is How To Have A Powerful Aura?
There are several things you can do such as surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people, practice mindfulness and meditation, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Take care of your physical health, practice gratitude and set clear intentions and goals for yourself. Embrace self-love and self-care practices, release negative emotions and let go of past grievances and connect with nature and spend time outdoors.
What Does A Yellow And Green Aura Mean?
Green is often associated with growth, healing, balance, and harmony whereas yellow associates with intelligence, being analytical, and having a strong mental capacity. The meaning will be different for everyone but its likely this coloration reflects someone with a deep love for nature who has harmonious and nurturing qualities, with a sharp intellect, and who is creative, optimistic, and confident.