Your Aura Colors Chart: Unlock How To Read Auras And Its 5 Zones.

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Are you interested in the Aura or what a specific color in your aura may mean? Ever wondered what your major aura color is? Or wondered how this coloration is linked the 7 major chakras? In our Aura Colors Chart you’ll discover all of that and more!

While much of your aura coloration is linked to the chakras, it is only a small percentage. In this post we will discuss the Aura, the energies in, energies out, colorations, arcs, bands and much more. We learn a lot about a person from their aura. When you interpret yours, or read someone’s else, you are essentially looking into the darkest reaches of their life though their field of energy.

It is something that is a privilege and must be done with care and empathy. For some, it can feel invasive as you may see and bring up issues and aspects of their life they have not recognised or have tried to forget. In essence you are being given access into the most private parts of a person being. You will see the distribution of energy, if they have a zest for life or if their vibration is low. You will be given access to their primal source and how this is affecting them emotionally and psychically. And you will see emotions that are influenced by past events, and those they are experiencing in the current time and space.

The colors you see and the zone in which they are seen will be the key that enables you to interpret accurate meaning. A person with a lot of excess energy, compared to someone with very low energy levels will look very different. However it is the color and the zone that will enable you to understand why and draw meaning from it!

For example if someone has a large amount of built-up anger or grief inside, and are still holding onto that pain you will see it. As you will see it in a person who has had the same pain and anger but who has forgiven what has happened. The color represents the emotion that is attached to the event, and the zone will tell you if that emotion is from the past, present or near future.

To help you interpret aura colors and meanings you will find, at the end of the post, a handy aura colors chart and reference guide that you can download and share.

what Different Aura Colors Mean In 5 Viewing Zones

Most people are aware that all living things have an energy field that surrounds the body, and one that can be viewed. Many people also think that aura readings are purely about interpreting the meanings of each aura color. While that is important it is only half the picture. What provides the full picture is by taking into account the energy zone of the body where the color is seen.1The human energy field is a vast sea of life energy, thought fields, and bioplasmic forms, moving about and streaming off the body. People have recognized this phenomenon in the past. Now we are rediscovering it. Pooja, Sabharwal. “DISCOVERY OF THE EXISTENCE OF HUMAN ENERGY FIELD (AURA).” (2015).

If you are just starting to to see auras, the best place to begin is by focusing on the energy field around the head, chest and shoulders. This is where a person’s aura is most concentrated. However before we look at specific aura colors and their meanings, lets look at the 5 main zones that will help you draw your conclusions. It is in these 5 zones that the emotions, personality traits and personal situations will present “The aura is the name given to the emanations of bio-energy measurable by techniques such as Kirlian photography that emerge from energy centers in the body.”

Five Zones – Find Your Aura Colors Meaning.

These following are the 5 viewing Zones in the Aura Colors Chart are:

  1. Subconscious zone
  2. Presenting Zone
  3. Conscious Zone
  4. Throat Zone
  5. Heart Zone
5 aura zonesPin
5 aura zones

Subconscious Zone – Left Side Of Body

The left side of the body is where universal energy enters your aura or subtle bodies. This zone is the energy of Yin. Yin represents the passive and the feminine. It is receptive, and the energies that you use and that will determine the future. The subconscious zone shows the current energies that are entering your subtle and physical bodies. It is what you will use to create your future state.

This energy is responsible for how we perceive ourselves. The color seen in the aura indicates whether the energy being received is positive or negative. It is important to know this, as the energy we draw in affects mood and personality traits. The energy of this zone is responsible for our perception of self. It is the space that houses all of the energies of our subconscious.

The actions taken and decisions made, used the energy from the subconscious and are reflected back to us in this zone. The left side of our body represents our emotions, imagination and creativity. It is therefore important that when you observe colors, shapes or other details in the aura that you interpret them with reference to the zone they are in. Note: It is important to remember that most of us have one natural and dominant color. This will be seen across all zones.3William et al. “ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSION FROM HUMANS DURING FOCUSED INTENT.” (2013).

To interpret, it is important we also take into account the multiple colors, dots, lines and other forms that can be seen. To start reading the subconscious zone remember the following guidelines and use them as prompts.

The Subconscious Zone Represents:

  • Energy entering and coming in,
  • Energy that is being drawn in and attracted,
  • The energy is receptive,
  • The energy effects the subconscious,
  • The energy includes our personal view of self,

When you read the aura you need to focus on the location, direction of energy movement and your understanding of coloration. For example if you saw a pink aura and it was coming in from the left what might be attracted, drawn in, thought about (pink and green means it’s likely to be emotionally connected to love and relationships).

For me, pink is the color of love and emotion. Light pink is innocent and youthful, so it is likely this person has romantic notions and is day dreaming about love. The light coloration would hint at it being naïve and innocent, so is not a physical love but the love we find when we allow ourselves to be caught in childlike hope and dreams.

If bright pink then the energy is associated with passion and sensuality. Because the energy is being drawn to into this person, I would suspect they have just met someone they ae attracted to, or they very soon will. Pink is a color of action, so I would suggest that they have met the person and are in the early stages of falling in love.

When I see pink close to the head it indicates to me that it is associated with thoughts, or an internal mental and emotional desire for a loving relationship. When in the subconscious zone, its means the person is drawing the energy of love and compassion towards them. If however I saw it in the heart zone that would tell me that love is now in this persons life.

So what might a lot of orange in this zone mean? Is your analysis the same or different for people when orange is their dominant color?

What if you saw indigo? What might it mean in this zone? If someone had a dominant green aura and you saw a purple spot what might be the meaning? And would that be the same if the same spot was seen in someone with a dominant purple or indigo aura? To analyze think about dominant color, zone seen and the chakra it represents.

Presenting Zone – Central And Above The Forehead.

The aura colors seen in this zone represent the current. This is our presenting energy.

This your current state and the energy of the “Right now”. It signifies your feelings, your emotions and your thoughts at the current moment. Because this zone houses the third eye it also may relate to energy being received intuitively. This is known as your current consciousness (not to be confused with conscious zone).

A factor in this zone is proximity to the body of the colors or shapes. Very close to the body in the aura signifies the person is experiencing feelings and emotions deeply and intensely, and is likely they are their entire focus. The further away from the body it is, the less intense are the feelings and impact on a person.

Another element to consider are shapes. For example a strip or band of one color that stretches like an arch over the top of the head indicates something you value or you hold in high esteem. It represents a clear and current focus, an important goal, or an aspiration. Remember whatever this “important thing” is the energy related to it is being used and is leaving the aura right now. The color will provide you the clue to what meaning it may have, and the distance it is from the body will tell you how intensely it is impacting on the person.

Different Aura Color Meanings In Presenting Zone

Lets remain thinking about the strip or arch across the top of the head. If red is the color of the band it could relate to anger, the location and shape mean the anger is linked to something highly important to this person. If it is close the head the anger is being felt intensely. If further away from the head the anger is still there but is having less emotional impact on them.

If it was the color indigo, I known that straight away I am seeing something related to a spiritual matter, or that it is linked to them receiving intuitively. To explore either of these scenarios with the person I would start by explaining that I am aware that something very important to them is occupying their thoughts or emotions.

Then I would help them gain the specific meaning by exploring color. If it was red and close to the body I would say something like “I believe this is something you may feel very angry about, it must be very important to you because you can’t seem to shift your focus from it”.

Or if the red was further away from the body I would say, “I believe it may be related to something that annoys you, its something that made you angry, and still makes you angry when you are reminded of it. But it is something that you need to express, get it off your chest and let it go”

If I saw indigo in the presenting, I would ask “Have you been having new or odd feelings you can’t quite understand”, or “Has your intuition been prodding at you, because if it is, it is something you need to pay attention to, because it is something that will be very important”

As well as shapes you need to consider the energy around this zone. Colors moving out of the aura can indicate spiritual level energy. Color expanding from the top of the head in an outward direction that gain intensity of color the further away it gets, indicates someone going through a spiritual awakening, becoming more in tune with their higher self or undergoing a spiritual expansion associated with the crown chakra.

You may see other colors and shapes in this area of the human aura such as orbs, specks, or patches. The color will determine exact meaning and will differ from person to person. When colors or shapes show up in the presenting zone the meaning is reflective of their current physical and emotional state. These are known as presenting scales.4Eliza, S. Z. Nur et al. “Statistical Findings of Time-based Stable Human Aura.” (2013).

The first is the emotional scale. The scale starts at introversion which are emotions and usually can be explained as “I haven’t recognised it”, “I don’t want to express it”, or “I don’t feel able to express it”. At the other end of the scale is extroversion, and these are recognized as “I absolutely know what this is”, “I want to express it”, or even “I am going to express it and watch out because my reaction will be extreme”.

The second is the impact intensities scale. This scale starts with mild impact “It is having very little impact on my life” all the way through to to extreme impact “This is having a major impact on my life and causing me great distress.”

When you see shapes or colors in the presenting zone you can interpret them using the following scales guides:

Colors, shapes, symbols on the Emotional Scale:

Away from body

  • introversion,
  • sensitivity,
  • need for solitude,
  • detachment
  • being in a meditative state,
  • being at peace,
  • feelings of tranquility

Close to body

  • expressiveness,
  • extroversion
  • social activity
  • need for personal connections
  • high positivity
  • high negativity
  • dominance

If I saw a murky muddy green that was in the presenting zone and it was very close to the body I would interpret it to meaning that this person is holding a grudge, and is not able to express just how resentful they are. Because it is close to body we are seeing energy that is heavy and dominant and needs to be expressed.

If the same color was further away from the body and nearer the edge of the aura I would know that the problem still exists, this person is still holding a grudge and is resentful but it is not having an emotional impact on them and they are likely to get over it quickly. This is often the color seen when children have a fight with a parent, or when you want to watch Oprah and someone else has already turned on the evening news.

aura colors chart - showing the subconscious, conscious and presenting zones with the flows of energy alongside and color bands.Pin
Aura Colors and Zones Chart – Showing the subconscious, conscious and presenting zones with the flows of energy alongside and color bands.

Conscious Zone – Right Side Of The Body

The right side of the body is our Yang Energy. It represents the conscious energy. This is energy that is leaving the body, its influence is receding and is energy consumed and the aura is also clearing.

The right side of our auric field consists of masculine energies and is our expressive energies. The energy in this zone can only be there if it has passed through the subconscious then through the presenting zone and now is in the conscious. If these energies were negative your expressive energy may be shown in the conscious as aggression.

The right side of our body contains the energy that was recently used and experienced and is now being released. Because it is the energy zone of expression this energy determines how others perceive us. The aura colors can help to understand how we are viewed. They represent the public persona, or the face we show to the world. And depending on our experiences while this may not be how we would wish top be seen it is the persona we present to the world

The different Aura colors found on the right side of the body relate to current physical changes that are occurring. As it is energy leaving the physical and subtle body it is the zone responsible for our memories. It is therefore important that when we observe colors, shapes or other details that show up in the auras of people in the conscious zone we interpret them accordingly.

The Conscious Zone Represents:

Some prompts may be:

  • The energy / color is related to energy that was current in the very recent and/or the energy has been used,
  • The energy / color is leaving the physical and subtle body,
  • Colors on this side are expressive,
  • It is energy within the conscious state,
  • Because it is in the conscious you will be aware of the energy or the impact,
  • Energy in this zone of auras reflect how others see us, or our public persona,
  • Think about, if you see green in the conscious zone, what might be leaving, is the energy related to attachments to current or memories, does it relate to a physical change? Is it a perception or persona?
  • How about seeing yellow shapes? Is it linked somehow to the solar plexus chakra? What yellow aura energy may be leaving? Is it positive? Is it a creative work completed? Or something that is completed, or nearing completion, but requiring intelligent thought rather than emotional reactions?
A video that discusses how to analyze the 5 zones of the aura with the aura color meanings chart

There are 2 further, smaller areas you need to be aware of. These are known as the specific zones and relate directly to 2 chakras.

Throat Chakra Zone – Aspects Of Communication:

The colors viewed in the area of Vishuddha the Throat Chakra will be indicative of how the person is currently communicating and expressing themselves. Colors, apart from blue, only show up in this zone during the exact time that the person is expressing themselves intentionally.

Think about if you were to see purple colors in the throat zone. What may this person be expressing if the communication was related to purple energy? Consider if you saw orange located around the throat. What type of communication would this energy be expressing?

A good way to remind you of the significance of color and position is to keep the aura color meaning chart nearby when doing your reading. Specific colors showing in the throat zone will relate directly to the associations on the chart.

Remember when interpreting the energy field, you need to analyze the related color association, the aura zone and the hemisphere (left / right).

For example if red base shade people show orange in the throat on the left hand side you need to consider both zones. What energies relating to orange may the person be communicating, keeping in mind this is energy arriving in the subconscious zone (meaning the person may not be consciously aware of it).

Heart Chakra Zone – The Core Of The Body:

This zone covers the core of the body and indicates the energy that is coming from Anahata the Heart Chakra. When reading colors and shapes in this zone, it is similar to the throat, however be aware that this zone is not always active.

Colors, apart from shades of green and pink, are usually only seen in this area during times that are emotionally intense or traumatic. These are usually muted and semi transparent colors or shapes. You may also see colors or shapes in the Heart Zone when someone has intentionally and deliberately opened their heart, but these will be seen as vibrant solid blocks or bands.

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Specific Aura Colors and their Meanings.

There is, as likely know, debate about the existence of the human aura and chakra system. This post includes my own personal experiences as a Reiki Master Teacher of 15 years, plus the wealth of evidence backed research and scientific studies done into this electromagnetic field.

The concept of the human aura is explored in various ways in the literature. Francesco (2017)5Francesco, Parodi and Gerio Gian Paolo. “AURA: An Example of Collaborative Robot for Automotive and General Industry Applications.” Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 338-345. and Okada (2018) both discuss the use of technology to detect and interact with the human aura, with Francesco focusing on industrial applications and Okada on urban communication.

Srivastava (2017)6Srivastava, Avi Krishna et al. “Approaching an outlook towards Human Aura-variation of BioField having a dependence on person’s karma/An exploration of scientific evidence of human aura.” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 22 (2017): 87-89. delves into the scientific and health aspects of the human aura, proposing a link between aura and health, as well as the influence of karma. Ivanskiy (2015) takes a legal perspective, discussing the capture and regulation of human aura information, particularly in the context of personal data protection.

Barbra Ann Brennan, offers her more than 20 years of research into aura health and healing and delivers it with the clarity of a physicist whilst maintaining the compassion of her professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students.7Brennan, Barbara Ann. “Hands of light : a guide to healing through the human energy field : a new paradigm for the human being in health, relationship, and disease.” (1987).These studies collectively highlight the diverse range of applications and implications of the human aura concept.

Lets now look at the meaning of each color and the different shades

Red – Aura Colors Chart.

Red is associated with Muladhara the Root Chakra. It is the color that indicates your connection with pure earthly energy. This relates to a persons physical body, material objects, life force energy and how they relate to others. Those with red in the aura usually understand and enjoy physicality and the material aspects of the world. They are passionate individuals who love adventure, they are dynamic and enjoy the pleasures of the physical world.

It is their passion that provides drive to their life. The red energy can also lead to restlessness, so may seem to always be seeking bigger or better. This is usually seen in those adventurers whose adrenaline inducing activities seem to indicate they have little fear of death. They are the souls who unapologetically over-indulge.

Red in the aura is usually exhibited by powerful people who express sensuality easily and rarely deny the pleasures of the physical. If dark or murky it should be taken as a warning. This person is unable to release anger, frustration, and it may indicate deep seated trauma that needs to be worked through and cleared. If seen as a transparent haze it usually indicates someone with low energy such as tiredness or exhaustion from over working.

Pink Aura Color Meaning.

Pink is one of the rarest of the aura colors. It is a pure blend of red (earthly physical) and white aura energy (divine). It shows up in a person with a loving and gentle nature. They are the people who always seem to radiate a loving and caring nature and who share this with everyone who comes into contact with them.

They are highly sensitive and believe absolutely in the ideals of long lasting romance. They are usually able to keep love alive throughout their relationships. Similar to green, it indicates those who are the healers in life. They are people who have natural intuition and an interest in the psychic, usually with psychic abilities themselves.

If seen it is usually coming from or entering Anahata the Heart Chakra. Both pink and green aura colors have the same vibrational resonance. Those who have large amounts in the aura are inspirational, as well as making all around them feel comfortable. They are uplifting and have the ability to make others feel better with just a glance, with a simple smile, or a kind word. In fact they can heal others just because they are present.

Magenta Aura Meanings.

Those with magenta in their aura are known as life’s originals. They have a blended red and blue vibration (earthly physical and creative communication). Those with a large amount have a masterful understanding of the physical world teamed with high creativity and the ability to communicate openly and expressively.

This blend of blue and red is usually seen in those who are engaged in creative work. They have naturally high energy and are creatives who thrive on fast paced living, they love originality and are highly innovative. Magenta souls are those who walk to the beat of their own drum, and are those who like to experience the world their way.

They can sometimes be viewed as eccentric, but in a good way, as the attention they get from others is nearly always positive. They are true individuals and are not the type to follow the crowd or the latest fashion. In fact the idea horrifies them! They do not succumb to peer pressure and often relish in their ability to shock people.

The magenta color indicates optimism and a natural sense of humor. They are usually very level headed, strong willed and highly intelligent, However they are rarely understood by those around them. The color indicates those who are free spirits and are not concerned with what others think of them. They tend to be urbanites and choose to live in metropolitan areas and cities. This enables them the freedom they seek to express themselves as the originals they are!

Orange – Aura Colors Chart

Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which is located below the belly button and is associated with creativity, sensuality, and emotions. It is sexual energy. People with a strong vibrant color are often outgoing, energetic, and passionate. They are creative and enjoy taking risks. They are also very sensual and enjoy physical intimacy.

Here are some of the possible meanings of an orange aura:

  • Creativity: People with this aura color are creative and enjoy expressing themselves through art, music, or writing. They are also good at problem-solving and coming up with new ideas.
  • Sensuality: People are often sensual and enjoy physical intimacy. They are also good at expressing their emotions and connecting with others on a deep level.
  • Passion: Passionate about their lives and the things they do. They are also good at motivating others and inspiring them to achieve their goals.
  • Change: People with orange in their aura are often open to change and new experiences. They are also good at adapting to new situations and making the best of them.
  • Growth: Focused on personal growth and development. They are always looking for ways to improve themselves and become the best version of themselves.

Yellow Aura Meaning

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. Individuals whose energy field contains yellow are aligned with qualities such as confidence, happiness, a strong self-image, self-worth, and the capacity to inspire others to excel. They possess innate leadership skills, exude abundant energy, and have the power to motivate others in a positive manner.

People with yellow auras naturally inspire and uplift others through their authentic presence. Much like the sun, they emit a radiant energy that can be felt by those around them. They possess a remarkable capacity for analyzing intricate ideas. Their intelligence is profound, and they have a broad-minded perspective, often displaying psychic tendencies.

Yellow of the the solar plexus governs our self-worth and personal strength. Those with vibrant yellow auras exude inner happiness and exhibit a generous nature that naturally draws others towards them.

When I see bright yellow I know it represents joy, positivity, optimism, and a strong sense of self-confidence. We are seeing a person who is enthusiastic, creative, and enjoys being around others. If it was a light or pale shade that tells me I am dealing with someone who has a gentler and more subtle expression of joy, hope, and optimism. They are likely to be someone who is more of an introvert, has a calm demeanor, and prefers a peaceful environment.

Gold or metallic yellow tells me I am dealing energies of wisdom, spiritual growth, and a strong connection to divinity. It speaks to a person who is spiritually awakened, intuitive, and possesses an inner strength.

Dark or muddy yellow on the other hand is a clear sign of negative emotions. These are internal and of the self, so this persons fear, anxiety, or self-doubt is inward facing. I would interpret this as the energy of someone who is currently experiencing emotional distress, has been feeling overwhelmed for a long period of time, or who lacks self-esteem.

Green In The Aura

Green frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart chakra, which is the center of personal growth and healing. Individuals with green auras radiate unconditional love and a life force energy that is sensed by all who come into their presence. Due to this, individuals with a strong green aura are typically drawn to nature and animals, and are natural healers. Being in the presence of a green aura is a very peaceful experience.

Green aura individuals are known for their remarkable balance in life, effortlessly juggling their own creative pursuits with nurturing their relationships. They possess a strong sense of responsibility and are inclined towards serving others, while also being assertive in expressing their needs.

The green aura signifies a connection between the spiritual and physical realms, showcasing their ability to be grounded yet spiritually attuned. These individuals are driven by their ambitions and hold lofty ideals. However, if their green aura appears dark and clouded, it may indicate that they are currently grappling with feelings of jealousy or envy. They might be perceiving themselves as victims and interpreting others’ comments as criticism.

Blue aura Colors

Blue is the color of the throat chakra, which is associated with communication, truth, and expression. These folk are calm, peaceful, and intuitive. They are as good at listening as they are at communication. They are often drawn to careers in teaching, writing, or counseling. They are often truth-seekers. They are honest, trustworthy and able to see things exactly as they are, even when it is hidden.

Darker Blue shades in the aura signify over work, giving to much to others and burn out. These folk need to take time for themselves or go on vacation! When the color is well balanced they are able to express themselves clearly and concisely. Out of balance they can become poor listeners and unable to understand the perspectives of others.

Indigo Color In The Aura

The color associated with the third eye chakra is indigo, symbolizing intuition and inspiration. Indigo possesses the second highest frequency among the visible color spectrum, signifying a profound connection to spirituality. Individuals with indigo in their auras possess heightened sensitivity to the energy of others, making them adept psychics, oracles, and mediums.

Individuals with these characteristics often have a heightened intuition, allowing them to perceive events before they occur, hear unspoken words, and have vivid and lucid dreams. They also possess a sensitive nature that enables them to empathetically understand others, drawing from a deep well of emotions. Driven by their innate curiosity, they see the world as a vast entity that extends beyond their own existence.

Individuals with an indigo hue in their aura rely strongly on their intuition and have the ability to easily discern between truth and falsehood. They excel in communication and building connections, guiding and enlightening others about the vast wonders of the universe and its mysterious nature. However, a darker shade of indigo, such as navy or peacock blue, may indicate feelings of self-doubt, a disconnection from one’s intuitive abilities, and a sense of uncertainty.

Violet Colors In The Aura

Violet is the color of the crown chakra which relates to connection to our higher consciousness. People who possess a violet aura are characterized by their dynamic nature, charisma, visionary mindset, and strong personalities. Their purpose in life revolves around leading and motivating others, as well as guiding humanity towards a future marked by prosperity, happiness, and overall well-being.

People with violet purple energy possess a deep inner desire to make a significant impact on their and others lives. They are characterized as visionary and forward-thinking, holding lofty ideals and aspirations for the future. Thanks to their unique combination of knowledge and intuition, they possess the ability to perceive and grasp the broader perspective of any given situation, without getting caught up in the minutiae.

They are innate empaths, adept at discerning the vibrations of others with ease. They have an insatiable thirst for connection and willingly reveal themselves, encouraging others to open up. The vibrant hue of violet signifies a profound connection to the spiritual realm and the unseen energies of life. Those with a violet aura emit a heightened level of thought activity and possess unwavering power to manifest their desires in the tangible world.

Plus,  they demonstrate a high level of originality in their innovative thoughts, progressive ideas, and open-minded insights that reflect their concern for the entire universal life matrix. They naturally gravitate towards humanitarian endeavors, excelling in roles that involve assisting animals, serving communities, and mentoring others to achieve their highest potential.

Quick Glance Aura Colors Meaning Chart.

Download The Aura Colors Chart

Get your own copy of the full Aura Colors Chart. 12 Pages in full color with correct shades, plus a zones of the aura, an energy flow direction and shapes in the aura chart.

Auras Colors

RedBrightEnergy, passion, strength, optimistic, enthusiastic, adventure
DeepStrong willed, grounded, balanced, realistic.
MuddyAnger, frustration, stressed, resentful
ClearPowerful, sensual, passionate, competitive
Orange RedConfidence
ScarletPassionate, charismatic, flamboyant, dramatic
MagentaNonconformist, unconventional, innovative, vision, spontaneous, playful
GarnetPassion, courage, strength, vitality, leadership, determined, charisma
PinkBrightSensual, artistic, affectionate, loving, sensitive, compassion. 
LightInnocence, purity, clairaudience
MuddyDishonesty, emotional immaturity
MagnoliaKind, nurturing, empathetic, creativity, romance, innocence, gentle
OrangeVibrantCreativity, joy, enthusiasm
PeachInspirational, creative communication
Yellow OrangeJoy, enthusiasm, intelligence also addiction, risky behavior
AmberCreativity, optimism, joy, enthusiasm, sexual, curious
TangerineVitality, goal oriented
PumpkinSelf-disciplined, hard working, eye for detail
BurntHigh ambitious but lacking energy, needs change
Brown orange Laziness, repressed emotions, low ambition
YellowPaleIntellect, curiosity, positivity, creative, analytical, hopeful
BrightOptimistic, happy, hopeful, inspired, motivated (and fear of losing control)
White yellowhappy exterior, hiding inner conflict, mental health issues
GoldenSame as bright, plus divinity, personal power, spiritual enlightenment
NeonPoor self image, negativity.
Dark MuddyFatigue, stress, gaining too much knowledge at once
GreenEmeraldHealing, growth, compassion, balance, abundance, prosperity, success
LightLove, energy, must learn to heal self before others
Very YellowOpen, expressive, heartfelt, creative
LimeHealing, Growth, renewal, harmony
OliveBalance, stability, peace, wisdom
TurquoiseCommunication, expression, creativity, intuition, teacher, healer
Muddy DarkJealousy, victim mentality, insecurity, blaming, lacks self awareness
TealHealing, protection, calmness, spirituality, empathy, honest
BlueSkyCommunication, performance, serenity, creative, articulate, expressive
Light BlueAuthentic, speaking truth, positive, purity, peaceful, instinctual
True BlueExpressive, honesty, authentic, intuitive, compassion, empathy
Royal BlueSee sky, plus generous, success, abundance, spiritual, clairvoyance
Dark MuddyFear of expression, fear of the future, fear of speaking their truth.
Deep Puresee Royal, highly intuitive, deep spirituality, inspired communication
CobaltWisdom, knowledge, intelligence, logic, clarity, focus, rationality
Sapphiresee Cobalt, highly spiritual, intuitive, detached from material world
IndigoTrueIntuition, wisdom, insight, psychic, brave, fearless, passionate
Palesee Deep, positive, optimistic, determined, spiritually evolved
Dark MuddyOverwhelmed, trapped, struggle, low energy, depression
VioletPureSpirituality, transformation, awareness, intuition, evolved, confidence
LavenderImaginative, creative, dreamy, love of fun
AmethystMystical, psychic, intuition, spiritual, wisdom, compassion, inspiration
ByzantiumPower, authority, leadership, influence, courage, assertive, achievement
Dark MuddyStruggling spiritually, difficult decisions, not following soul path
DullPhysical pain preventing spiritual connection
UnbalancedArrogance, narcissism
WhitePurePurity, clarity, radiant, divine connection
Covers auraPurity, knowing and speaking the truth, angelic features
Sparks, DotsAngelic communication
Dirty PatchyBlocked energy, illness, untrustworthy
SilverPureIntuitive, psychic, visionary, refined, open-minded, adventurous, elegant
Dirty MuddyBlocked chakras, skeptical, mistrust, unreleased fear
MetallicNurturing, intuitive, new ideas, abundance
NickelFuturistic, visionary, innovative, original, progressive, inventive
GreyPureNeutral, detached, indifferent, indecisive, uncommitted, uninterested
Murky HeavyDepressed, anxious, highly stressed
BrownUmber / TanHardworking, reliable, realistic, practical, realistic, loyalty, organized
BronzeEnergetic, dynamic, spontaneous, competitive, ambitious, attractive
PewterSecretive, mysterious, reserved, introverted, private, complex
TaupeSkeptical, cautious, analytical, rational, objective
BlackPureEndings, New Beginnings,
Patchy DullPast life issues, negativity, anger, stored emotional trauma
ObsidianStrong-willed, determined, confident, transformation, resilient, influence
RainbowAllHighly developed, gifted, talented, spiritual, energy healer

Aura Colors Chart FAQ

  1. What Do The Colors Of Your Aura Mean?

    A brief over: Red is Energetic and fiery. Orange, Creative, action-oriented, and positive. Yellow is Sunny, charismatic, and confident while Green is loving, compassionate, and nurturing. Blue is powerful, expressive and insightful, indigo is spiritual, intuitive and deep thinking, violet is pure, wise, empathetic and sensitive.

  2. What Is A Positive Aura?

    All color has good and not so good. In essence a positive aura means someone who is not selfish or arrogant. They have a powerful presence and are usually kind, compassionate, caring, and supportive. They go out of their way to help and don’t ask anything in return. They genuinely care and want to assist.

  3. What Is A Rare Aura Color?

    Energetically, white is rare to find in large amounts, as it is a very high-vibrational color, and associated with pure light. White is said to be the rarest of all aura colors and signifies someone of absolute purity, integrity, and a high level of spirituality.

  4. What Do Aura Readings Tell You?

    Your aura essentially reflects your current, energetic self. It is a mirror of your consciousness, your thoughts, and emotions in the moment, and reveals your life experiences, thought structures, behavioral patterns, hopes, dreams and aspirations.

  5. How to see your own aura?

    Using a mirror in front of a white back ground gently look at your reflection. Focus your eyes on a point in the middle of your forehead. Without moving your eyes, you will see energy starting at the outer edges of your head and shoulders . The energy you perceive around your head and shoulders is your aura.

  6. What does a Blue Aura Mean?

    If you have a strong blue aura communication will come naturally to you, you may have been labeled an empath, and your intuition is strong. You will be known as calm and serene. Those with weak or muddy blue may be insecure, fearful and unable to to speak their truth.


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    The human energy field is a vast sea of life energy, thought fields, and bioplasmic forms, moving about and streaming off the body. People have recognized this phenomenon in the past. Now we are rediscovering it. Pooja, Sabharwal. “DISCOVERY OF THE EXISTENCE OF HUMAN ENERGY FIELD (AURA).” (2015).
  • 2 “The aura is the name given to the emanations of bio-energy measurable by techniques such as Kirlian photography that emerge from energy centers in the body.”
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    Eliza, S. Z. Nur et al. “Statistical Findings of Time-based Stable Human Aura.” (2013).
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    Francesco, Parodi and Gerio Gian Paolo. “AURA: An Example of Collaborative Robot for Automotive and General Industry Applications.” Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 338-345.
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    Srivastava, Avi Krishna et al. “Approaching an outlook towards Human Aura-variation of BioField having a dependence on person’s karma/An exploration of scientific evidence of human aura.” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 22 (2017): 87-89.
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    Brennan, Barbara Ann. “Hands of light : a guide to healing through the human energy field : a new paradigm for the human being in health, relationship, and disease.” (1987).These studies collectively highlight the diverse range of applications and implications of the human aura concept.

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DipTchg, BEd, NPQH - Education and International Leadership Consultant with over 20 years Senior Management and Leadership experience! Qualified and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist and Energy Body Worker. A traveler, a foodie and a knowledge seeker with a passion for all things healthy, herbal and energy holistic! Say Hi at my page on Mastodon
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