Top Crystals For Weight Loss (5 Best Crystal Energies)

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Can you use healing crystals for weight loss.  The answer is Yes! However, like any diet, weight loss crystals aren’t a magic formula.

These crystals aren’t going to jog around the block on your behalf. What they will do is provide the specific energies and vibrations that enable you to achieve your weight loss goal.  It is the crystal healing energy that will help.

This article provides what we believe are the 5 best crystals to help you utilize the energies required for weight loss!

We know that when we embark on a weight loss plan we need to do things to keep our physical body healthy. We need to eat a range of food that gives balanced nutrition and provides us with the essential minerals and vitamins.

But there are other factors at play. We are far more than just our physical body.

Our physical is interlinked with our subtle bodies, these bodies are formed of measurable and immeasurable energy.  These energies are provided via the chakras.

How Do Healing Crystals For Weight Loss Work?

Since birth the things we ate, when we have ate them, and the emotional state we were in when we ate, have determined our personal eating routines. These eating routines have developed our relationship with food.

Most importantly, our relationship with food has led us to form emotional bonds, almost physical highs, that are triggered by certain foods.

When we diet, we attempt to remove the foods that we know are unhealthy for us. However these are often the foods that have provided us emotional comfort, and those physical highs.

Our body is going to let us know that it is not happy. 

Like any kind of addiction, our body reacts to the removal of something normally relied upon. Our body wants routine.

The cravings that are felt are a response of our body wanting to return to the comfort and safety of routine. Our body does not distinguish between what is “good or bad” for us. It reacts, and craves, whatever is needed to return those feelings of comfort and safety. This leads us to feed the beast.

If we are to be successful losing weight, rather than submitting to our habitual urges, we need to replace the unhealthy highs with healthier ones.

Time To Reprogram Using Weight Loss Crystals.

The 5 top crystals for weight loss offered in this post aid us with their energies and enable us to start reprogramming. 

The energy they provide helps us to establish new relationships with food. This helps us develop new emotional responses to food.

The crystals in this article are those with a high vibrational energy that are attuned to motivation, positivity, intention setting, breaking negative cycles, and help bring emotional stability.

Using combinations of these stones will help bolster your diet’s success rate.

Imbalance within our energetic body often manifests physically by the body seeking comfort. This comfort eating leads to excess eating with the additional energy being stored as fat.

Crystal placement on and around our body supports our overall health (thus a healthy weight) by the principle of entrainment; energy of a stronger and higher frequency will dominate a similar frequency of a lower and more unstable amplitude.  

Rod driven frequency entrainment – Frontiers In Human Neuroscience.

As humans we are hugely influenced by vibrational frequencies, especially the natural stable frequencies of crystals. This is why our vibrational bodies are responsive to the healing properties of crystals.

Healing crystals emit frequencies which do not vary significantly. They are known as “stable transmitters”, and are geometrically perfect.

When these crystals are placed within our close environment, they entrain us to match their perfect vibration. This varies with the the frequencies and healing properties of the chosen stone.

Human vibration can easily be knocked out of balance due to the stresses of everyday life.  Crystal vibrations remain steady.  This means our physical body is able to act as a receiver, which can be attuned to its normal and natural vibration through using crystals.

Crystals alone will not make us lose weight. If we continue to pig out on fatty foods and never do any exercise we will remain as we are!

However if we eat a healthier diet and we start to exercise our chosen crystals will enhance the impact of our efforts.

With sensible eating and daily moderate exercise the crystals will double, triple or quadruple your results.

Remember they will not do it alone.

blue apatite - healing crystals for weight lossPin

how to use crystals for weight loss.

Our Top Crystals for losing excess weight help boost our chakra energy and provide the energies needed for weight loss. They act like a conduit, providing the energy that boosts metabolism and keeps our internal fat burning fire strong.

To ensure the stone healing energy has impact you need to start with a good diet and exercise program. The crystals improve and aid you to get results.

Lets put everything in perspective..

If we change diet and add exercise we know we will lose weight. When we then add crystal healing vibration therapy we can expect our results to double!

Crystals add additional intentional energy!

If we just used crystals but didn’t change our food or diet, we can’t logically expect results. Our crystals add vibrational energy that helps to achieve intent.

If we want to lose weight with crystals we also need to do the hard yard. The good news is by adding crystal therapy to our weight loss program we will achieve the results wanted, and usually this will be easier and quicker.

top crystals for weight loss -crystal healing techniques - your complete healing crystals guidePin
Healing Stones – Choose Stones With Energies Related To Weight Loss

best healing crystals for weight loss.

  1. Blue Apatite;
  2. Sunstone;
  3. Sodalite;
  4. Amethyst;
  5. Carnelian.
blue apatite - top crystals for weight lossPin
Blue Apatite – Top Crystals For Weight Loss

1. Blue Apatite (Ironic Name?)

If you want to lose weight but you know that you have an unhealthy relationship with food, or have little will power to resist high fat, carb laden foods, then apatite is the crystal for you. Blue apatite is known for its properties as a hunger suppressant. It helps to reduce our craving for unhealthy food items, and those we have formed unhealthy relationships with.

Blue Apatite is a crystal associated with appetite control, motivation, and overall well-being, making it a popular choice for those looking to support their weight loss efforts. Here’s how Blue Apatite can help you:

  1. Suppressing Appetite: Blue Apatite is known for its potential to suppress hunger. It is believed to help curb cravings and reduce overeating by promoting a sense of fullness, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet and portion control.
  2. Boosting Metabolism: Blue Apatite can stimulate metabolism, helping your body burn calories more efficiently. The crystal’s energizing properties might encourage you to adopt habits that support metabolic health, like regular exercise.
  3. Enhancing Willpower and Motivation: Blue Apatite is often associated with enhancing willpower and self-discipline. This can help you stay committed to your weight loss goals, resist unhealthy temptations, and maintain a consistent routine of healthy eating and exercise.
  4. Supporting Physical Health: This crystal is also linked to overall physical well-being, which can be crucial in a weight loss journey. By promoting a sense of vitality and energy, Blue Apatite can help you stay active and engaged in physical activities that contribute to weight loss.
  5. Encouraging Emotional Healing: Blue Apatite is believed to support emotional healing and balance, which can be important if emotional eating or stress-related eating is a challenge for you. By promoting emotional clarity and calm, the crystal can help you manage stress and avoid turning to food for comfort.
  6. Inspiring Healthy Choices: Blue Apatite is said to inspire a desire for healthy foods and habits. This might help you make more conscious choices about what you eat, leading to a more balanced and nutritious diet.
  7. Promoting Mental Clarity: The crystal is also associated with enhancing mental clarity and focus. This can help you stay mindful of your eating habits, set clear goals, and track your progress more effectively.

The stone is said to increase our metabolic rate, which contributes to us being able to shed excessive weight.

The Apatite crystals (I recommend either Blue Apatite) works to suppress or control the appetite. Apatite is also great for helping you to find and maintain your ideal body weight (or your most healthy body weight).

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StoneStory Blue Apatite Healing Crystal Natural Rock Crystal Quartz Gemstone Sphere Ball (Blue Apatite, 2.36")
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[Eusice] Blue Apatite Crystal, Polished Stones for Anti stress, Reiki Worrystone Gemstone, Natural Rocks from Madagascar, Chakra Healing Stone
Amazon price updated: February 10, 2025 8:35 am
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sunstone - top crystals for weight lossPin
Sunstone – Top Crystals For Weight Loss

2. Sunstone.

Sunstone is another crystal that increases the metabolic rate within our body. It also provides the energies that enhance willpower and our ability to maintain focus on our desires. It is associated with energy, vitality, and personal power, which can be helpful in supporting weight loss indirectly. Here’s how sunstone contributes to a weight loss journey:

  1. Reduces Stress and Emotional Eating: Sunstone’s uplifting energy may help reduce stress, which can be a trigger for emotional eating. By staying calm and balanced, you might find it easier to make healthier food choices.
  2. Boosts Motivation and Energy: Sunstone is known for its vibrant, energizing properties. It can help boost your motivation to stay active, encouraging regular exercise and physical activity, which are essential for weight loss.
  3. Enhances Willpower: Sunstone is believed to strengthen personal willpower and determination. This can help you resist cravings and stick to a healthy diet, making it easier to follow a weight loss plan.
  4. Promotes a Positive Outlook: The crystal is often associated with positivity and joy. Maintaining a positive mindset can be crucial for long-term weight loss, as it helps you stay focused on your goals and bounce back from setbacks.
  5. Supports Metabolic Health: While not scientifically proven, some believe that sunstone can help balance metabolism, which is important for effective weight loss.
  6. Encourages Self-Care: Sunstone is linked to nurturing and self-care. By promoting a sense of self-worth, it may encourage you to take better care of your body through proper nutrition and exercise.

Sunstone is a brilliant crystal for those that need encouragement and self belief.

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Sunstone Palm Stone - Hot Massage Worry Stone for Natural Body Chakra Balancing, Reiki Healing and Crystal Grid
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Sunstone Crystal Towers ~ Natural Healing Crystal Point Obelisk for Reiki Healing and Crystal Grid (2" to 3" INCH)
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Sunstone Crystal Heart Palm Stone - Pocket Massage Worry Stone for Natural Body Chakra Balancing, Reiki Healing and Crystal Grid
Amazon price updated: February 10, 2025 8:35 am
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sodalite - top crystals for weight lossPin
Sodalite – Top Crystals For Weight Loss

3. Sodalite.

Sodalite is another weight loss crystal to help boost our metabolism. Sodalite is one of the best crystals for weight loss as shown below:

  1. Achieve optimal physical balance: Its properties encourage healthy food choices. Sodalite is said to be a crystal that reduces any diet related hunger pangs and soothes cravings.
  2. Enhances Self-Discipline: Sodalite is thought to promote discipline and organization. This can help you stick to a structured diet and exercise plan, making it easier to maintain a healthy routine.
  3. Reduces Emotional Eating: By promoting emotional balance, sodalite may help reduce stress, anxiety, and other emotional triggers that often lead to overeating or unhealthy food choices.
  4. Boosts Self-Confidence: The crystal is believed to enhance self-esteem and confidence, which can be crucial when setting and achieving weight loss goals.
  5. Encourages Mindfulness: Sodalite is often used in meditation practices to enhance mental clarity and mindfulness. This can help you become more aware of your eating habits and make more conscious, health-oriented decisions.
  6. Promotes Physical Health: Some believe sodalite can enhance physical health by balancing the metabolism and supporting a healthy immune system, although these effects are more anecdotal.

Sodalite will help to ease the weight loss and habit changing bodily process through improving our cellular function and helping us regulate water retention.

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Zenkeeper Blue Sodalite Crystal Wand Natural Sodalite Wand Tower 3” - 3.5”
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UFEEL Blue Sodalite Palm Stone Crystal - Natural Chakra Therapy Polished Healing Crystal Oval Pocket Gemstone for Anxiety Stress Relief
Amazon price updated: February 10, 2025 8:35 am
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amethyst - top crystals for weight lossPin
Amethyst – Top Crystals For Weight Loss

4. Amethyst

Amethyst energy helps us embrace a serene and “cannot fail” mental approach. This gem is closely linked to the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. Both chakras energy have the essential components to help us understand ourselves and make choices that are aligned with our best interests. 

Amethyst is a crystal known for its calming and spiritual properties. It can support your weight loss journey in several ways by influencing your mental and emotional well-being. Here’s how amethyst can help:

  1. Curb Unhealthy Habits: Amethyst is often associated with breaking bad habits and addictions. If overeating or unhealthy food choices are issues, amethyst can be used to help promote better self-control and mindful eating.
  2. Promotes Emotional Balance: Amethyst is known for its ability to calm the mind and reduce stress. Since stress and emotional imbalances can lead to overeating or making poor food choices, using amethyst might help you manage these emotions and avoid stress-induced eating.
  3. Enhances Intuition and Mindfulness: Amethyst is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. This can help you become more mindful of your eating habits, making it easier to listen to your body’s needs and avoid overeating.
  4. Supports Better Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for weight loss and overall health. Amethyst is often used to promote restful sleep and reduce insomnia, which can help regulate your metabolism and energy levels, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Encourages Detoxification: Amethyst is sometimes associated with detoxification and cleansing. While this is more symbolic, using amethyst might inspire you to adopt healthier habits, such as drinking more water and eating detoxifying foods, which can support weight loss.
  6. Boosts Willpower and Motivation: The crystal’s calming energy can also help you stay focused on your goals and maintain the discipline needed for a weight loss plan. Amethyst ensures that you stay true to what you want to achieve and that you approach weight loss from a place of reason.

Since Amethyst works well to help people to break bad habits or to overcome addictions, it can be useful for people who have issues with portion control or overeating (for emotional or mental reasons).

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LAIDANLA Amethyst 3.7"-4"Healing Crystals Wands Polishing Hexagonal Point Obelisk Natural Reiki Gemstones for Meditation Therapy Crystal Grid
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Deep Purple Project Amethyst Rock Crystal 0.5 to 1.0 Lb - Raw Clusters from Uruguay Quartz Geode (250 Grams to 500 Grams)
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DEEP PURPLE PROJECT Amethyst Crystal Geode with Premium Gift Box, Natural Stones from Uruguay
Amazon price updated: February 10, 2025 8:35 am
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top crystals for weight loss - carnelianPin
Top Crystals For Weight Loss – Carnelian

5. Carnelian

Carnelian is a radiant crimson-orange stone that can be used to reduce feelings of starvation and reduce food cravings. It also helps detox your body and enhances your general fitness. Carnelian is a vibrant crystal associated with energy, motivation, and endurance, which can support weight loss efforts. Here’s how carnelian helps your weight loss journey:

  1. Boosts Energy and Stamina: Carnelian is known for its energizing properties. It can help boost physical energy and stamina, making it easier to maintain an active lifestyle and stick to regular exercise routines, both of which are crucial for weight loss.
  2. Enhances Motivation and Drive: This crystal is believed to enhance motivation and determination. By boosting your drive, carnelian can help you stay committed to your weight loss goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.
  3. Supports a Positive Attitude: Carnelian is often associated with positivity and confidence. A positive mindset is important for long-term weight loss success, as it helps you stay focused on your goals and approach your journey with enthusiasm and self-belief.
  4. Improves Circulation and Metabolism: Some believe that carnelian can help improve circulation and stimulate metabolism, which are important factors in effective weight loss. Using carnelian might encourage you to adopt healthier habits that support these functions.
  5. Reduces Cravings and Emotional Eating: Carnelian is said to help curb cravings and reduce emotional eating by fostering a sense of inner strength and control. This can help you make healthier food choices and avoid overeating.
  6. Promotes Grounding and Stability: Carnelian’s grounding energy can help you stay focused and stable, preventing impulsive decisions that might derail your weight loss efforts, such as giving in to unhealthy food temptations.

Carnelian also works to enhance the metabolism. I would recommend starting out with the Apatite and Amethyst and adding the Carnelian into the mix only after you have started to lose some weight (ideally when you’ve lost about 10% of your total goal).

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Carnelian Tumble Stone (Brazilian) (20-25mm) Pack of 10 - by CrystalAge
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Charged Natural Carnelian Agate (Riverbed Agate) Crystal Bracelet Tumble Polished Stretchy
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rockcloud Worry Stone,Thumb Palm Stones for Anxiety, Healing Crystal, Water Drop Shape, Carnelian
Amazon price updated: February 10, 2025 8:35 am
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In combination:

Apatite and Sunstone are both supreme crystals for suppressing hunger and for speeding up your metabolism!

Using a combination of the Apatite with the Amethyst and Carnelian helps to manage weight loss on the physical, emotional, and mental levels (instead of just the physical like as with most traditional weight loss techniques).

The stones help not only energetically, but also that they are a good reminder for portion control, eating slowly and deliberately, and being conscious of the nourishment that you are taking into your body.

The crystals are useful, but it is still up to you to nourish your body with a good diet, to exercise regularly, and to speak with your physician about your weight loss goals.

How To Use The Stones

To get the best results with these crystals, there are several ways that I recommend you use them:

1. Carry the stones in your pockets (or set in jewelry) during the day and place them on your bedside table at night (so that you can continue to absorb the healing energy while you are asleep).

2. Before eating your meals, hold your stones for a few moments and intend that your body will receive all of the nutrition that it most needs at this time (and that it clears anything that is not needed).

3. Place the stones on the table near your plate of food so that the crystals can charge your meal with their energy as you eat.

4. After you have finished eating, hold the stones over your belly (or over the area that you would most like to lose weight) and visualize yourself as your ideal. healthy weight.

Hope you enjoyed this article and would love to hear about the results you achieve with our top crystals weight loss.

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DipTchg, BEd, NPQH - Education and International Leadership Consultant with over 20 years Senior Management and Leadership experience! Qualified and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist and Energy Body Worker. A traveler, a foodie and a knowledge seeker with a passion for all things healthy, herbal and energy holistic! Say Hi at my page on Mastodon

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