In this post we explore how to stop smoking naturally, the smoking treatments available and quit smoking cigarettes for good.
Discover several natural stop smoking treatments available that have been proven to help during the stages of nicotine withdrawal. Discover what will help to ease smoking triggers, the cravings, aid the detox and then help you to kick the habit for good.
Quit Smoking Naturally With A Stop Smoking Plan.
Smoking cigarettes and the residual secondhand smoke remains one of the leading causes of disease and illness across the globe.
Smoking acts as a trigger, and is a major factor in the development of several forms of cancers (mouth, throat, lung). It also contributes to heart disease, stroke and several other illnesses.
There is already a huge amount of public information detailing the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products.
The smoking hazards do not only impact the smoker but also to those who are exposed to their smoking patterns and secondhand smoke. We refer to these people as passive smokers.
The Often Ignored Impact Of smoking Cigarettes.
We probably all know someone whose smoking cigarettes triggered ill health and we will all be aware of the huge personal costs of tobacco products in a financial sense.
So why are there so many people who cannot seem to stick with a stop smoking plan, continue to smoke and place themselves at risk.
The answer is addiction.
Smoking is highly addictive. Most people have probably tried smoking cessation plans to give up smoking. Many of them a number of times. It is hard. Very hard.
What To Expect – Smoking Treatments Available To Stop Smoking Naturally.
When someone decides to stop smoking cigarettes our body goes into a state of nicotine withdrawal and craving.
Like any habit we have developed a pattern of dependence. By smoking nicotine our body has become accustomed to functioning with the tobacco smoke, and has become dependent on, a certain level of nicotine. Nicotine is the chemical substance responsible for addiction.
When we stop smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products our body reacts.
Our body sends signals to our brain telling us that something is not right, something is missing and the smoking habits can cause cravings and smoking triggers.
In order to eliminate these cravings and prevent smoking relapse we need to stay committed to a smoking cessation plan for long enough so that our body is able to detoxify naturally and rid itself of all traces of nicotine.
This is the point where most people give up on their stop smoking plan.
The cravings in some cases, are so bad that people cannot sleep, or they depressed and irritable which is why many choose a cognitive behavioral smoking cessation treatment .
We need to spend enough time without smoking nicotine so that our body develops a new habit, one that is not dependent upon nicotine.
Therefore if we wish to control these cravings and stick to our smoking cessation plans to quit we need to find alternate methods to control cravings and boost our chances for success.
In this guide on how to quit smoking naturally we will look at 3 Eastern practices that are recognized as highly effective in the battle against cravings and smoking cessation.
How To Stop Smoking Naturally With Acupuncture.
Many local stop smoking services and other online resources now recommend Acupuncture which originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Records of its use can be found dating back to 113 B.C.
Based on the meridian system of energy flow Acupuncture is the procedure of having extremely thin needles inserted into particular meridian points on our body to prevent many negative health effects.
The needles when inserted into the meridian system stimulate and improve the energy flow which eliminates the unpleasant side effects smoking.
I seriously doubt anyone likes the sound of needles being placed into their body, but believe it or not the technique is painless and aids lower smoking consumption.
The use of acupuncture to quit smoking cigarettes is now widely accepted within modern medical circles.
Research shows the use of acupuncture for smoking cessation to be one of the preferred holistic methods for successfully stopping smoking long term.
Unfortunately a large number of people never consider using acupuncture in their personal stop smoking plan due to the needles.
If needles are something you are unable to consider, and there are many people that feel the same way, then there is an alternative that helps to combat the unpleasant side effects smoking cause. Acupressure.
Acupressure uses exactly the same ideas as acupuncture in a smoking program. However rather than inserting needles directly into the meridian the technique involves placing direct pressure onto the meridian point.
Studies and discussions in a smoking cessation forum also show acupressure is an effective technique and achieves similar results to acupuncture.
Therefore if you are looking for smoking cessation treatment options and wanting to learn how to stop smoking naturally both acupuncture and acupressure are highly recommended.
The studies from those treated with both acupuncture and acupressure found that over 80% acupuncture and 74% acupressure participants found relief from withdrawal symptoms, smoking triggers and the cravings of smoking.
Herbal Medical Treatments To Quit Smoking
Other recommendations for quitting smoking naturally come from Traditional Chinese Medicine and include the use of herbal supplements.
Herbal Supplements are, like acupuncture and acupressure, used as a stop smoking support to aid the control of cravings and help with nicotine withdrawal.
Herbal supplements are also recommended because of the additional health benefits they provide and how they help guard against the unpleasant side effects smoking have on the body.
Adding herbal supplements to your diet helps ease nicotine withdrawal which can lead to irritability, anxiousness and sleep deprivation. The use of supplements is one of the smoking treatments available and also aids tissue repair.
One of many negative health effects faced by long term smokers is premature aging. When we smoke our tissues dry out and become damaged due to the cigarette smoke reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches our skin. Herbal supplements can help aid repair and hydration of our bodies tissues.
As with any smoking cessation medications, herbal treatment, or supplement, if you have existing medical conditions or take prescription medicines it is always advised to seek medical advice from your doctor before embarking on any alternative supplements.
Herbal supplements when used as a treatment option for how to stop smoking cigarettes naturally are perfectly safe. Those recommended have been tested thoroughly. However any product, natural or not, may interact with pharmaceuticals therefore it is always wise that we seek initial medical advice.
These recommended herbal smoking cessation products are very basic and easy to use.
These 2 smoking substitutes are off the shelf natural teas and great for your stop smoking plan.
You may be surprised but both have been used successfully to counteract smoking withdrawal symptoms and counter cravings.
Green Tea To Quit Cigarette Smoking.
As part of your smoking cessation initiative you should sip green tea throughout the day during your detoxification period. Green Tea contains certain elements that are thought to prevent the urge to smoke and block cravings.
Lobelia Tea For Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms.
Lobelia Tea is known for it’s ability to aid smoking cessation through the elimination of toxins from our body and was traditionally used as an antidote for snake bite!
Combine Lobelia and Green Tea and you have an awesome detoxification product that will help control cravings and smoking withdrawal symptoms.
Cayenne Pepper For Your Quitting Smoking Program.
A very simple herbal remedy and one that is easy to add to smoking cessation plans. Cayenne pepper is an excellent remedy for helping to ease the cravings for cigarettes.
Cayenne Pepper desensitizes the respiratory system to tobacco and chemical irritants and this is what eases the cravings and reduce many common smoking triggers.
It is important that you add this spice to your diet during your smoking cessation initiative. Use Cayenne spice daily by adding a couple of pinches into a glass of water.
Ginseng To Prevent Smoking Relapse.
Studies have shown that Ginseng prevents the nicotine induced release of neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is one of the biggest smoking triggers and provides the “high of smoking” and what makes you feel better after having a cigarette.
Blocking the dopamine is a big part of tackling nicotine addiction in the early smoking cessation process.
Add a teaspoon of ginseng powder to your breakfast cereal or a glass of fruit juice in the morning should help alleviate cravings which is an important factor in smoking cessation plans.
St. John’s Wort. As A Smoking Cessation Aid.
Most people will be aware that St John’s Wort is primarily used to treat depression. However some research indicates that this herb also helps people in early smoking cessation.
In one study, a sample group of people who smoked 1 or more cigarettes a day also received St. John’s wort (450 mg capsule 2 times a day) plus smoking cessation guidance.
After 12 weeks, 45% of the target group had successfully managed to quit smoking cigarettes.
How To Stop Smoking Naturally With Lifestyle Changes
When seeking ways to quit smoking cigarettes we must look at modifying our lifestyle. Some useful tips include:
- Supplement your vitamin and mineral intake by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid consuming anything that elevates blood acidity such as sugars and highly caffeinated products as they will increase your withdrawal symptoms.
- Practice meditation techniques, the link offers a useful guide or there are many other online resources.
- Exercise – get plenty as it reduces the stress associated with withdrawal and promotes relaxation.
- Take plenty of water – dehydration is one of the leading factors of increasing cravings.
- Rest – allow your body to detox and eliminate any toxins from smoking nicotine from your system.
These techniques for how to stop smoking naturally can be used independently or you may wish to use them all in your stop smoking plan.
If you do try any of these natural remedies for stopping smoking please do write in and let me know how you got on. Or if you have other herbal remedies and methods or smoking cessation products that worked for you please let me know.
Wishing you the best of luck with your personal stop smoking plan and your health.