We are all aware that to stay healthy, live longer and enjoy life our body requires proper nutrition through a healthy and balanced diet. This includes ensuring the foods we choose contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to enable us to remain healthy. Sounds easy right? Not Always!
Finding fresh, high quality, nutritionally beneficial foods are getting harder to find, and if able to be found are often the most expensive products in your weekly shop!
Manufacturers and producers have turned their attention away from fresh and healthy, and toward the manufacturing of food products that are designed more to help us create space in our busy lifestyles.
Stay Healthy, Live Longer, Enjoy Life NOT with Processed Foods!
The advent of microwave dinners, “heat-and-eat” and “boil-in-a-bag” is sold to us, the consumers, as a winning solution. A Winning Food Solution, Or So We Are Sold!
We choose these easy to prepare meals because it saves us time in the day. It means we no longer need to spend hours in the kitchen preparing meals from scratch. Plus they are often more economical and, in many cases, are the only options now available! They have helped us achieve our desire to create space and time in the day for us!
Preparing fresh fruit and vegetables is often viewed as time consuming. To prepare them, and then having to supplement our diet with vitamins, is seen as something rather nasty and unpalatable. Â Probably because we were often forced as children to swallow dry capsules or chug some cod liver oil.
But fear not. If you want to stay healthy, live longer and enjoy life it is simple and easy with liquid vitamins. Luckily for us vitamins and minerals can be absorbed by the body in a number of ways.
They first enter our body through the food we eat, or we can take them as supplements, and this increases the levels of specific vitamins and minerals available for us to utilize.
“Liquid vitamins can often offer better absorption rates in the body compared to pills,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, a renowned functional medicine practitioner. He continues, “they provide a more direct and quicker boost of essential nutrients necessary for vitality and overall health.”
For me, rather than the body having to slowly absorb nutrients from food the best, and easiest, way is to take them in liquid form.
What Do We Mean By Liquid Vitamins?
When we talk about liquid vitamins we are talking about 2 main options.
The first are the pure liquid vitamins in a liquid supplement form. They are usually one vitamin, or a combination of them designed to aide a specific purpose. These can be purchased at good health stores and some supermarkets and pharmacies.
The second, and our favorite, is created by pureeing or juicing fresh fruit and vegetables. This extracts the vitamins and minerals into a superfood smoothie. It is a quick and easy way to get your daily vitamin requirements.
Faster Acting and Easier To Take (Especially For Kids).
Eating fruit and vegetables, seems to be less popular than the option of the mass produced “vita-candy” (vitamins in flavored, chew-able form). However the fruit and vegetable will always remain the much healthier option and if you puree these items for a liquid drink they are far easier to drink and absorb.
“For individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills or have specific absorption issues, liquid vitamins provide an effective alternative by enhancing the bioavailability of usable vitamins,” says Dr. Andrew Weil, a leader in integrative medicine.
While you may think liquid vitamin from a health store or a fresh fruit smoothie is less appetizing for children don’t forget you can add many delicious, colorful and naturally sweet ingredients.
The majority of our vitamin and mineral requirements come from fresh fruits and vegetables. So get the blender out of the cupboard and start blitzing to help you and your children stay healthy, live longer and enjoy life.
Liquid Vitamins Are Absorbed Almost Immediately
Because of their liquid form, vitamins are absorbed and assimilated almost immediately into the blood stream. This leads to a more systemic and natural uptake of the vitamin.
Incredibly, unlike many capsule based vitamins, the absorption rate for liquid form averages 90 to 98%. In liquid form the vitamins are actually three to five times more concentrated than those in tablet form which has far greater therapeutic benefits.
“Liquid vitamins can be a great solution for ensuring that both children and adults get the daily nutrients needed, especially when diet alone might not be enough,” says Dr. Mehmet Oz, a well-known cardiothoracic surgeon and television personality.
The Link Between Antioxidants and Liquid Vitamins.
Vitamins E, C and A are antioxidants and commonly found in vitamin supplements. Have you ever wondered about antioxidants and the levels contained within liquid vitamins. In fact liquid vitamins contain large quantities of antioxidants.
You probably know that some of the most important vitamins, those that we require on a daily basis to stay healthy and enjoy optimal well being, are also antioxidants.  These antioxidants actually rely on liquids in order to enter our body and pass on their health giving benefits.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, an advocate of natural health says, “Liquid vitamins allow for customizable dosage, which can be particularly beneficial for adjusting and optimizing nutrient intake based on individual health needs and goals.”
Vitamins A, C and E are not produced by the body, nor can the body synthesis anything similar, so they must be taken in our diet. Antioxidants are hugely important and act as the body’s main defense against the effects of oxidation. Antioxidants are believed to be a major factor in the prevention of cancer and in general day to day terms they keep us healthier, stronger and happier!
The Truth About Liquid Vitamins and Stomach Acid.
There are many who continue to doubt the benefits of a liquid vitamin regime. This is due to the belief that the stomachs digestive acids destroy and degrade the vitamins and minerals before they are able to be absorbed.
Some say this is due simply to the strength of the digestive acids.
Others that the vitamin and minerals, when consumed in larger quantities are regarded by the body as “foreign” and therefore not part of what is expected within the process of digestion so deliberately destroyed by our bodies natural protection mechanism.
This is not true. The opposite is, in fact true. Our digestive system is a well tuned part of our body and is able to recognise what is and isn’t natural.
In fact research has shown that while the liquid vitamin intake absorbed and utilized is not 100%, the human body is far more likely and able to absorb and benefit from the nutrition provided by liquid vitamins than from solid forms. In fact studies show the body absorbs 90-98% of the vitamins and minerals taken in a liquid form.
Solid vitamin tablets, and vitamins in solid food form, on the other hand must be digested before any benefit is passed along to our body.
“The ease of integrating liquid vitamins into smoothies or juices means they can seamlessly become part of a holistic lifestyle approach to maintaining health and energy levels,” says Dr. Josh Axe, a doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist.
They must be broken down into tiny particles which are small enough to be absorbed. IStudies indicate that from the original solid form only 30% of the vitamins and minerals are absorbed and received as nutrients for the body.
Liquid form is by far the most effective delivery mechanism for our digestive system.
There is no reliance or energy expenditure on breaking down the particles and so an estimated 90% – 98% of all nutrients taken in liquid form are utilised by the body.
Digestions function is not to destroy vitamins and minerals. It breaks down solids in order to transform them. To transform them into substances which allow us to stay healthy, live longer and enjoy life.
Liquid Vitamins and Toxicity.
There is also a school of thought that liquid vitamins contain an excess of colloidal minerals. So are these harmful to our body or not?
In truth digesting colloidal minerals may be detrimental to health. But this is only when consumed in large doses, very large. The fact remains that colloidal minerals exist in nature and are found in many of the foods we eat.
Apples, for example, contain 3-5 mg of aluminum, however no one implies or states that apples are detrimental to health. We are far more likely to hear that eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Most nutritionists and medical practitioners state that a similar view be taken in regard colloidal mineral levels in liquid vitamins.
No one denies the existence of colloidal mineral traces but we must be sensible and assume that it can be no more detrimental to our health than it would be if we were consuming the fresh fruit or vegetables in their raw form.
Colloidal minerals are naturally occurring elements and, without processing all of our food groups, the consumption of them can not be avoided.
Stay Healthy With Liquid Vitamins – It’s Your Choice!
When it all boils down to it, the intake of vitamins and minerals will always be a matter of personal preference. Certainly the absorption rate and effective usage made by the body indicates that liquid vitamins are superior to their solid form counterparts.
But the taking of vitamins and minerals in solid form is still effective and conducive to improved health compared to not taking vitamin supplements at all.
I hope that you will consider factoring in some liquid vitamins into your diet in order to stay healthy, live longer and enjoy life.
What are your views? Do you have first hand experience? Was it a positive or negative experience? Do you know any other natural remedies that use a liquid vitamin?Please do write in and let us know your views.