Unlock Chakra Healing Meditation – Guided 20 Mins for Balance

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Discover the benefits of chakra healing meditation. In this post, we present a meditation that I believe is the most transformative of all the chakra balancing experiences available. This post differs from others as it includes the full meditation script. The script is also recorded and available in the video attached above.

Let’s get started! I invite you to open your heart and mind. Embrace the energies of nature and the universe, and connect with the powerful energy that flows within us all.

Understanding Chakra Healing Meditation

Chakra healing meditation is a profound practice that balances and harmonizes the seven main energy centers in our body. These seven chakras act as gateways for your life force energy, and when they are aligned, you experience a sense of wholeness, vitality, and inner peace. However, when these chakras are imbalanced or blocked, it can lead to various issues:

  • Physical Symptoms: Imbalances may manifest as chronic pain, fatigue, digestive problems, or other health issues. Amara Rivers from Chakra Seeker says, “a blocked root chakra can cause lower back pain and constipation”.
  • Emotional Disturbances: Individuals might experience anxiety, depression, mood swings, or feelings of insecurity. Ram Jain from Arhantayoga says, “An imbalanced heart chakra, for instance, can lead to jealousy and fear of intimacy.”
  • Mental Challenges: Difficulty concentrating, indecisiveness, and a lack of clarity can arise from chakra imbalances. A blocked third eye chakra may result in headaches and vision problems.
  • Spiritual Disconnection: A sense of detachment from one’s purpose or a lack of spiritual fulfillment can occur. An imbalanced crown chakra can cause feelings of depression and continual dissatisfaction.

Together, in this chakra healing meditation we’ll work to clear any blockages from the chakras and restore the natural flow of energy throughout your entire being.

Setting Your Intention

This is important! It sets the tone and expectation for what will follow. I want you to set an intention for the chakra healing meditation. Perhaps you are seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth, or simply a moment of tranquility just for yourself. Whatever your purpose, know that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Let’s begin this journey of self-discovery and energetic transformation.

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Creating sacred space for chakra healing meditation

Creating a Chakra Healing Sacred Space

To enhance our healing experience, I encourage you to create a sacred space around you. If you have candles nearby, take a moment to light them. The gentle flicker of candlelight can help soothe your mind and signal the desire for working with your inner wisdom. You might also want to use some essential oils, such as lavender for relaxation, frankincense for spiritual connection, or sandalwood for grounding. Choose whatever resonates with you.

Embracing Calming Scents

As you inhale the calming scent of your essential oils, notice your body entering a state of peaceful awareness. Now, let’s introduce some soft ambient music to your space. The soothing melodies will help you relax and become more receptive. Take a moment to adjust the volume to a comfortable level.

Preparing Your Physical Space

Whether you prefer to sit in a chair, cross-legged on the floor, or lie down on a bed or yoga mat is up to you, just ensure you will be comfortable. The most important thing is that you feel at ease and can remain in this position for the duration of our session. If you’re seated, ensure your spine is straight but not rigid. If you’re lying down, let your arms rest comfortably at your sides, palms facing up to receive energy. Take a moment to adjust your position until you feel perfectly comfortable.

Deep Cleansing Breaths

With your environment set, I invite you to take three deep cleansing breaths with me. Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your lungs completely, and exhale gently through your mouth, releasing any tension or worries. Feel yourself becoming more present with each breath. Repeat this deep breathing cycle two more times, and as you do feel all the worries of the day simply melting away.

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Chakra healing meditation – Bubble of protection

Grounding With Visualization

Now, let’s ground ourselves with a brief exercise. Imagine yourself seated or lying down as you are now, and begin to notice a brilliant beam of radiant golden light descending from the heavens above you. See it enter the top of your head, filling your body with its wonderful, brilliant light. Watch as it fills your entire body and cloaks your aura in its radiant golden rays.

Watch as it wraps around you, encasing your aura in a bubble of protection. Now as you watch you can see the light is pouring down your spine and starting to exit through the soles of your feet.

Connecting to Earth Energy

As it exits, you an see that it is entering the ground. The light is travelling into the earth and branching of in all directions. And suddenly you recognize they form it is taking. The light exiting your feet and spine are forming roots, like those you would see on a huge oak.

These roots are growing from the base of your spine and the soles of your feet, extending deep into the earth. The roots are anchoring you, connecting you to the stable, nurturing energy of our planet. Now lets take some more deep breaths, as you breathe in, visualize you are drawing in the grounding healing energy of Mother Earth through your roots and into your body. And as you breathe out, you send any negativity or unwanted emotions down through your roots and into the earth to be absorbed and transformed.

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Muladhara the Root Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Root Chakra

We begin our journey at the foundation – the Root Chakra, located at the base of your spine. This energy center governs our sense of safety, stability, and connection to the physical world. Visualize a bright red light glowing at the base of your spine.

As you focus on this area, feel the warmth and strength of this red energy spreading through your hips, legs, and feet. This vibrant red light represents your right to be here, your connection to the Earth, and your ability to stand firm in your own power.

As we work with the Root Chakra, bring your attention to any feelings related to your basic needs and survival instincts. Are there areas in your life where you feel unsupported or insecure? Allow these thoughts to surface without judgment, knowing that we’re here to address and heal them.

Affirmations for Root Chakra Healing

Let’s reinforce the Root chakra healing with some powerful affirmations. Repeat these words silently or aloud, allowing their meaning to resonate deep within you:

  • “I am safe and secure in this world.”
  • “I trust in the journey of life.”
  • “I am grounded and centered.”

As you speak these truths, feel your connection to the Earth growing stronger. Imagine those roots we visualized earlier becoming thicker and more robust, anchoring you firmly to the ground beneath you.

Envision a network of roots spreading from your body, intertwining with the Earth’s energy. Feel the stability and nourishment flowing up through these roots, filling your entire being with a sense of belonging and support.

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Svadhisthana the Sacral Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Sacral Chakra

Now, let’s gently shift our focus to the Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, just below your navel. This energy center is associated with creativity, passion, and our emotional well-being.

Visualize a warm, orange energy swirling in this area. As you connect with this vibrant orange light, allow yourself to explore themes of creativity and emotional expression. This is the seat of your desires, pleasures, and ability to go with the flow of life.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships – with others and with yourself. Are there any imbalances or blockages preventing you from fully expressing your emotions or embracing your passions? Acknowledge these areas with compassion, knowing that awareness is the first step towards healing.

Activating the Sacral Chakra

To activate and balance your Sacral chakra, I’ll guide you through some gentle hip rotations. If you’re lying down, you can simply visualize this movement. Slowly begin to rotate your hips in a circular motion, as if you’re drawing a circle with your tailbone. Feel the muscles in your lower abdomen and back engaging with each rotation. As you move, imagine any stored emotions or tensions in this area beginning to loosen and release.

With each rotation, visualize that warm, orange glow spreading through your pelvis, lower back, and abdomen. This healing light is dissolving any blockages, allowing your creative and emotional energies to flow freely. As we conclude this sacral chakra healing and balancing, take a deep breath and feel the newfound lightness and fluidity in this area. Your Sacral chakra is now open, balanced, and radiating with vibrant orange energy.

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Manipura the Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

We now move our attention to the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen, just below your breastbone. This powerful energy center governs your personal power, self-esteem, and willpower. Imagine a bright yellow light glowing in this area, like a miniature sun radiating from within you. As you connect with this energizing yellow light, allow yourself to cultivate feelings of confidence, strength, and self-assurance.

Take a moment to reflect on your sense of personal power. Are there situations in your life where you feel powerless or doubtful of your abilities? Acknowledge these thoughts without judgment, knowing that we’re here to transform them.

Empowering the Solar Plexus Chakra

Let’s reinforce the activation of your Solar Plexus with a powerful visualization. Imagine that miniature sun in your Solar Plexus growing brighter and more radiant with each breath you take. Feel its warmth spreading through your entire torso, filling you with a sense of inner strength and purpose.

As this golden light expands, visualize it burning away any self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. See yourself standing tall, your spine straight, your shoulders back, embodying the confident and powerful being that you truly are.

Repeat this affirmation, either silently or aloud:

  • “I am confident, capable, and strong. I trust in my own power and wisdom.”
  • “I am confident, capable, and strong. I trust in my own power and wisdom.”
  • “I am confident, capable, and strong. I trust in my own power and wisdom.”

Feel these words resonating through your entire being, anchoring this newfound sense of empowerment deep within you.

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Anahata the Heart Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Heart Chakra

Now, let’s bring our attention to the Heart Chakra, located in the center of your chest. This beautiful energy center is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, governing our ability to give and receive love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Envision a soft, green energy glowing in your chest area. As you connect with this soothing green light, allow yourself to open up to the universal energy of love. This is the seat of your emotional heart, your capacity for empathy, and your connection to all living beings.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships – with yourself, with others, and with the world around you. Are there any areas where you’re holding back love or forgiveness? Acknowledge these with gentleness, knowing that the heart has infinite capacity for healing and growth.

Opening the Heart Chakra

To further open and balance your Heart Chakra, I’ll guide you through a gentle heart-opening exercise. If you’re seated, place your hands on your knees, palms facing up. If you’re lying down, you can simply rest your hands by your sides.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine your heart space expanding, like a flower slowly blooming. With each inhale, visualize drawing in pure, loving energy. With each exhale, send this love out to yourself, to those around you, and to the entire world.

Now, let’s practice sending love to ourselves. Place one hand over your heart and silently say,

  • “I love and accept myself completely.”
  • “I love and accept myself completely.”
  • “I love and accept myself completely.”

Feel the warmth of your hand and the truth of these words sinking into your heart center. As we conclude this heart-centered practice, visualize that green light in your chest growing brighter and expanding with each breath. This radiant green energy is dissolving any barriers around your heart, allowing love to flow freely in all directions.

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Vishuddha the Throat Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Throat Chakra

We now shift our focus to the Throat Chakra, located in the throat region. This energy center governs our ability to communicate clearly and express ourselves authentically. Visualize a cool, blue light glowing in your throat area. As you connect with this clear blue energy, allow yourself to embrace the power of your voice and the truth of your words. This chakra is the gateway for expressing your inner world to the outer world.

Take a moment to reflect on your communication patterns. Are there thoughts or feelings you’re hesitant to express? Are there truths you’ve been holding back? Acknowledge these without judgment, knowing that we’re here to clear any blockages and allow your authentic voice to emerge.

Activating the Throat Chakra

To activate and balance your Throat Chakra, we’ll engage in a simple yet powerful voice exercise. We’ll use gentle humming to create vibrations that will help clear and energize this area. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, make a soft humming sound. Feel the vibration in your throat and the surrounding areas. As you continue humming, imagine that blue light in your throat growing brighter and more vibrant with each sound you make.

Now, visualize any held-back words or unexpressed thoughts dissolving into this blue light. See them transforming into pure energy, clearing your throat center and empowering your ability to communicate with clarity and confidence.

As we conclude this throat chakra healing and clearing exercise, affirm to yourself:

  • “I speak my truth with confidence and clarity. My voice is worthy of being heard.”
  • “I speak my truth with confidence and clarity. My voice is worthy of being heard.”
  • “I speak my truth with confidence and clarity. My voice is worthy of being heard.”

Feel the resonance of these words in your throat, reinforcing your right to express yourself fully and authentically.

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Ajna the Third Eye Chakra – Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

We now turn our attention to Third Eye Chakra healing. Your third eye is located in the center of your forehead, just above your eyebrows. This intuitive center governs our inner wisdom, clarity, and ability to see beyond the physical realm.

Imagine a deep indigo energy glowing in this area. As you connect with this mysterious indigo light, allow yourself to tap into your intuition and inner knowing. This chakra is your gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual insight.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with your intuition. Do you trust the subtle guidance that comes from within? Are there areas in your life where you’re seeking greater clarity? Acknowledge these thoughts gently, knowing that we’re here to awaken and strengthen your intuitive abilities.

Awakening the Third Eye Chakra

To further awaken and balance your Third Eye Chakra, I’ll guide you through a short visualization to enhance your intuition.

Imagine a small, indigo-colored flower bud in the center of your forehead. As you focus on this bud, see it slowly beginning to open, its petals unfurling one by one. With each petal that opens, feel your intuition becoming sharper, your inner vision becoming clearer.

As the flower fully blooms, visualize a beam of indigo light emanating from its center, extending outward from your forehead. This light represents your expanded awareness and intuitive insights.

Now, ask your intuition a question about something in your life you’ve been seeking guidance on. Don’t force an answer – simply remain open and receptive. Trust that the wisdom you seek will come to you in its own time and way.

As we conclude this Third Eye chakra healing and awakening, affirm to yourself:

  • “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom. I am open to receiving divine guidance.”
  • “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom. I am open to receiving divine guidance.”
  • “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom. I am open to receiving divine guidance.”

Feel these words resonating in your forehead, strengthening your connection to your higher self and intuitive abilities.

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Sahasrara the Crown Chakra – Chakra Healing Meditation

Balancing the Crown Chakra

We now arrive at the Crown chakra, located at the top of your head. This is our highest energy center, connecting us to universal consciousness and our spiritual essence.

Visualize a radiant violet or white light emanating from the crown of your head. As you connect with this divine light, allow yourself to experience a sense of unity with all that is. This chakra is your direct link to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual wisdom.

Take a moment to reflect on your spiritual path and sense of purpose. Do you feel connected to something greater than yourself? Are there areas where you’re seeking deeper meaning or enlightenment? Acknowledge these thoughts with openness, knowing that we’re here to strengthen your spiritual connection.

Connecting with the Crown Chakra

To fully activate and balance your Crown Chakra, I’ll guide you through a divine connection meditation. Imagine a beam of pure, white light descending from the universe and entering through the crown of your head. As this light enters your body, feel it infusing every cell with divine energy and wisdom.

See this light traveling down through each of your chakras, illuminating and balancing them one by one. From your Crown to your Third Eye, to the Throat, down and into the Heart, and further it travels to the Solar Plexus, and down into the Sacral, and finally, arriving at your Root Chakra.

As the light reaches your Root chakra, envision it grounding you to the Earth, creating a perfect balance between spiritual connection and earthly presence. Now, visualize this light expanding to create a glowing aura around your entire body. Feel yourself as a being of light, connected to the Earth below and the cosmos above.

As we conclude this Crown chakra healing and connection, affirm to yourself:

  • “I am one with the universe. Divine wisdom flows through me always.”
  • “I am one with the universe. Divine wisdom flows through me always.”
  • “I am one with the universe. Divine wisdom flows through me always.”

Feel the truth of these words resonating through your entire being, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.

Concluding Our Journey

As our chakra healing journey comes to a close, it’s time to gently bring our awareness back to the physical body. Slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and toes, reawakening sensation in your extremities.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself becoming more present in your surroundings. If your eyes have been closed, you may begin to open them slowly, allowing them to adjust to the light in the room.

Reflecting on Your Experience

As you return to full awareness, take a moment to notice how you feel. Your energy centers have been cleansed and balanced, allowing for a more harmonious flow of life force energy throughout your being.

The practice of chakra healing and balancing we’ve experienced today can have profound effects on your overall well-being. Regular attention to your energy centers can lead to improved physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.

I encourage you to carry this sense of balance and alignment with you throughout your day. Notice how you interact with the world around you from this place of centeredness and harmony. Remember, this journey of self-discovery and healing is ongoing. I invite you to return to this practice whenever you feel the need to realign and recharge your energy centers.

I thank you for joining me on this chakra healing journey. Your commitment to your personal growth and healing contributes to the healing of our entire planet. Until we meet again, may you walk in balance, love, and light. Namaste

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DipTchg, BEd, NPQH - Education and International Leadership Consultant with over 20 years Senior Management and Leadership experience! Qualified and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist and Energy Body Worker. A traveler, a foodie and a knowledge seeker with a passion for all things healthy, herbal and energy holistic! Say Hi at my page on Mastodon
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