Awaken Kundalini 3 Easy Steps (Shakti Kundalini Awakening)

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In this post we look at kundalini awakening. Discover the 3 easy steps of this ritual and Yoga methodology. We explore the divine Shakti, and the transference of Shaktipat. Shaktipat is what awakens the Kundalini. It is handed down from Guru to student.

Learn how this source of primal energy benefits health and well being. When we awaken, we foster the growth of perception. This emergence simultaneously evokes spiritual insight. It cultivates a state of harmonious peace and bliss.

The name comes from the ancient Sanskrit. When translated it means “the coiled one“.

It is depicted as coiled energy, and found in both primitive and modern art. And it holds a celebrated place within the practices of yoga and tantra.

In literature, as it is with sculpture and other art forms this raw energy is a sleeping goddess, or a sleeping coiled serpent.

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Tripura Sundari Kundalini Goddess

कुण्डलिनी – Awaken Kundalini Shakti – 3 Easy Steps.

When we see this sleeping figure, whether in literature or art, there is always an accompanying anticipation of the kundalini awakening and its association with being the most powerful of all mortal energy.

The source of this energy resides within, or near, Muladhara The Root Chakra at the base of the spine in the triangular shaped sacrum bone.

Depicted it is coiled energy, three and a half coils exactly.

In traditional yogic theory it is primal energy, and its location is within Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spine.

We practice the awakening steps to:

  • achieve enlightenment

  • achieve meditative states of bliss and harmony

  • to form true connection to the Supreme / God / Universal Energy.

How To Awaken Your Kundalini Energy.

There are many different spiritual practices to awaken kundalini, the top 3 being:

  • meditation,

  • pranayama (controlled breath),

  • Asana ritual (chanting of mantras)

Regardless of practice each of them focus on the same goal – Wake the energy and move it up through the Sushumna Nadi (the central nadi) to reach Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra).

Once awakening occurs you will feel the energy moving through Sushumna as though electricity were passing along the spine.

How Does Kundalini Energy Work?

Shakti energy is a component of the “Subtle Body” the energy which feeds our physical body containing the chakras and nadis. (Learn how to balance Chakras with affirmations)

Each chakra has a different kind of energy. They have distinct characteristics. Each energy is essential for our physical, emotional and spiritual health.

When we awaken the Kundalini we move the energy through our chakras. This allows us to take on their positive meaning. We absorb their characteristics and awaken them within ourselves.

Find out more about the 7 chakras and their distinct energies.

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Kundalini Awakening – Expert Definitions And Explanations.

The Raja Yoga Guru Swami Vivekananda’s description is:

According to the Yogis, there are two currents in the spinal column. The first is Pingalâ and the second Idâ. They run though Sushumnâ, a channel in the spinal cord.

At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the “Lotus of the Kundalini”.

It is triangular in form. Symbolically it represents “powerful energy coiled up”.

When the energy awakens it tries to force through the hollow channel. As it rises the layers of the mind open. This brings the Yogi visions

At the brain it detaches the Yogi from the body and mind. The soul finds itself free.

Raja Yoga Guru Swami Vivekananda

In modern terms we can look towards Wikipedia!

The spinal cord is composed in a peculiar manner. Look at a figure eight horizontally (∞). There are two parts which connect in the middle.

This represents the spinal cord. Eight after eight, piled one on top of the other.

The left is the Ida. The right Pingala. The hollow canal running through the center of the spinal cord is the Sushumna.

The spinal cord ends at the lumbar vertebrae. A fine fiber extends downwards. The canal runs within that fiber, only much finer.

The canal closes at the lower end, near the triangular Sacral Plexus.

The different plexuses (chakras) have centers in the spinal canal. These are the different “lotuses” of the Yogi.

*Swami VivekanandaSource: Wikipedia

In other beliefs Kundalini is a Goddess, or a reincarnation. She rises and flows through the same channels described above.

The energy travels from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. When Shakti arrives at the crown chakra she is united with the Supreme Being, Lord Shiva.

Once this union occurs you enter a deep meditative state. This is where you achieve infinite bliss.

The Bhagavad Gita states:

At the command of the yogi in deep meditation, this creative force turns inward. It flows back to its source in the thousand-petaled lotus. Revealing the resplendent inner world of the divine forces and consciousness of the soul and Spirit.

Yoga refers to this power flowing from the Coccyx to Spirit as the awakened Kundalini.

Bhagavad Gita

Our 3 Easy Steps – Learn The Process.

The awakening is a very powerful process.

There are many examples and practices for awakening Shakti Kundalini from her sleep. But all include the process of moving the awakened energy to unite with the divine.

The techniques may vary but the intent is the same, to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

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We also receive other benefits due to the increase in pure energy. Opening and balancing our chakras enhances our physical and emotional health.

When you wake the kundalini it removes all stress, anxiety and unhappiness from your life.

The 3 Steps Via Kriya Yoga.

This Kriya Yoga Technique is a purification technique. And recognized as an easy and safe method to enter a meditative state of bliss.

This technique at first purifies your energy channels and centers. This allows Shakti Kundalini to move through unrestricted.

Step 1 – Inhalation – Awaken Kundalini 3 Easy Steps.

This Step involves the process of Controlled Breath.

To begin you need to focus your thoughts on your breath.

As you breathe in focus on your breath. See it moving from Muladhara (Root Chakra) at the base of the spine. See it moving up, following your spine. Finally see it exiting the top of your head.

As you inhale, visualize this breath travelling up your spine.

Don’t worry if you can’t visualize this process. This is not about “seeing i.e. visualization”, it is about focus and control.

Focus on your breath rising from the base of your spine. See it moving up the spine and exiting the top of your head.

Why Focus Breath For The Kundalini Awakening?

You simply need to focus on the feeling of your breath. Feel as you inhale that your breath is rising from Muladhara. Feel the breath rising up your spine and exiting the top of your head.

Do not stress if you find the “seeing or visualizing” difficult.

Concentrate but do not force anything.

Just relax and as you breath in focus on your breath. Focusing on your breath is a gentle yet powerful suggestion. It suggests to the energy that it should move in the direction asked.

Do not force the breath/energy. Let Kundalini move on it’s own without force.

Relax and take a slow, deep breath in. Focus on just your breath. Your breath begins at Muladhara, moving up your spine and then out the top of your head.

As you practice the focused breath technique, you will begin to feel the energy rising.

While subtle to start, the feeling will grow stronger. This is described as being like a hot rush of “pure bliss” up your spine.

This rush of hot bliss is similar to an orgasm. This is why Kundalini associates with the practice of Tantra.

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Step 2 – Exhalation, Your Breath As A Cycle.

As in step 1 breathe in, from the base of the spine.

During exhalation focus moving the breath (Shakti) from Sahasrara to Ajna to Vishuddha and finally to Anahata.

Step 3 – The Awakening!

Step 1 and 2 are the steps of purification. They purify your subtle body and Nadi systems. The third step is the actual awakening of energy.

Your teacher will not begin step 3 until happy you have purified (Steps 1 and 2). They will then perform the Step 3 initiation.

The initiation is where your teacher or Guru gives you Shaktipat. Shaktipat awakens the energy through a touch, or chanting, or focusing their energy upon you.

It is a necessary and important step. If you do not have a guru or teacher, there is an accepted safe method to awaken Kundalini yourself.

How To Gain Shaktipat.

If you are unable to have someone physically transfer Shaktipat you can initiate the transference yourself. This is by stating out loud the name of a Guru, Teacher or Saint. This needs to be a name you feel connected with or you truly admire.

It is not even necessary to have met this person in the physical. What is important is whoever you choose must have an enlightened nature and is someone you admire.

Usually the chosen person is a Guru or Swami already initiated with Shaktipat.

Not everyone knows a Guru or Swami. Even if we did we may not naturally feel a close connection to them.

It is perfectly okay to choose someone from other belief systems. An example of this could be the selection of a Saint, a religious leader or spiritual advisor.

You gain Shaktipat and awaken Kundalini by focusing your intent. Your focused intent needs to be on someone enlightened and for who you hold great respect.

It has nothing to do with their religion or belief system. It is your belief in them, and their enlightened nature, that enables a transference of Shaktipat. From Guru to student, you receive the energy needed for the awakening.

This is similar to Reiki distance healing and Attunements. The importance is your focused intent.

Some people are uncomfortable choosing a Guru, Saint or someone connected to religion.

In this case you are able to use “Peace” or “Universe” rather than using a name.

This practice has gained in popularity but, in my experience, this takes longer for awakening to occur.

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Initiate Shaktipat Transfer.

To initiate the transfer of Shaktipat your Guru or Swami will guide you and explain the process.

You are asked to silently think of the name of your chosen Guru (or Peace) as you inhale. You then verbally express their name as you exhale.

The amount of repetitions needed does not have a set number. Your teacher, or your own judgment will determine the amount of time you spend repeating this mantra.

You will know when you feel it is the right time to stop and transfer has occurred. Trust in your ability to recognize this feeling.

Repeating the name is similar to the principles of manifestation. It is the belief that the universe always returns what your request.

By focusing on an enlightened teacher, Guru, God or Peace you enter a different state. This is the closest possible human experience of bliss. It is the state where manifestation can occur. It is also the state that makes it possible for Shaktipat to transfer from Guru to student.

By stating their name you receive a transfer of enlightenment, energy and bliss already achieved by the Guru.

Concentrating your thoughts and repeatedly invoking the name of your Guru, Saint or Teacher unites you as one. This grants you Shaktipat, a precious gift. The energetic arousal of Kundalini..

The transference of Shaktipat is energetic. It has nothing to do with the physical. This is why remote transference is possible.

While this may sound overly simple it is the most common of processes and rituals. It is the practice used for centuries because it is effective.

You gain Shaktipat by focusing on the energy already awakened within your Guru. You draw their awakened energy. It is similar to a tuning fork. If you hold a ringing tuning fork close to to a silent one, the silent will copy the tone .

The energy released from the enlightened when focused upon attracts, balances and awakens the energy within you.


Practice And Develop A Cycle Of Energetic Breath.

Now that you know each of the 3 Easy Steps you need to practice putting them together as one process. You should do this on a regular basis and be part of your daily routine.

Once you are comfortable with each step you can initiate the process to awaken Kundalini.

On each inhalation silently repeat your Guru’s name. Focus on your breath rising from base of your spine. See it travelling up your spine and exiting the top of your head.

As you exhale state your Guru’s name out loud. Focus on the movement of your breath from Sahasrara. See it travel to Ajna. Then to Vishuddha. And coming to rest within Anahata.

Repeat this process allowing it to become a natural and harmonious cycle. End your daily session when instinctively it feels correct.

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to awaken the Kundalini. I would love to hear your feedback. I am also happy to answer any questions you may have. Add your comments or questions in the thread below and I will respond ASAP.

Alternatively you may contact me directly.

Love and Light.

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DipTchg, BEd, NPQH - Education and International Leadership Consultant with over 20 years Senior Management and Leadership experience! Qualified and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist and Energy Body Worker. A traveler, a foodie and a knowledge seeker with a passion for all things healthy, herbal and energy holistic! Say Hi at my page on Mastodon

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