The Reiki Energy Healing system consists of increasing stages of acquired knowledge and skill. These stages are officially known as the 4 Degrees of Attainment or, more commonly, the 4 Levels. In this article we discuss the key learning points you need to know for the 4 degrees of Healing.
As well as the 4 degrees of attainment we will also focus on the Reiki 5 principles for living, and introduce the role and purpose of Reiki attunements that are required for each degree of attainment.
Reiki Energy Healing.
The 4 Degrees and Levels Of Attainment.
Reiki is divided into four levels of learning, based upon the understanding and therapeutic practice of the student.
These levels are systematically structured. They offer learners an organised and clear structure for the development of skills. For the skills to be accredited and achieved the training must be undertaken with a Reiki Master Teacher.
This is beause of the belief that the Master Teacher is a conduit, or channel, for the passage of Universal Life Energy to the student. It is also because a Master Teacher has the skills and practical experience of delivering Reiki healing as a working practitioner.
As well as theoretical teachings and explanations of how Reiki energy healing works the 4 Degrees are complimented and enhanced through pratical hands on experiences and the receiving of several energetic transfers or attunements.
The Reiki Energy Healing Attunements.
Universal Life Force energy is responsible for all healing that takes place within the body. The Reiki practitioner is merely a conduit, or a willing channel for the universal energy to pass through. When performing a healing session the practitioner is simply allowing the universal energy to pass through them and be transferred to the patient.
Like everything that we take nourishment from, the vessel or channel needs to be cleansed and clear. The Reiki attunements do this. They ensure the energy being transferred in a Reiki session is able to flow freely throughout the practitioners body and remain pure. In essence we are cleansing the aura and balancing the chakras.
After receiving the attunements the student is said to energetically clear and able to be a conduit for the passage of Reiki Healing Energies.
Reiki Power Symbols.
At each stage of tuition the student is inducted through the learning of several sacred symbols of Reiki.
Each symbol represents a differing healing force energy and is used by the practitioner to guide specific healing energies required for the treatment of themself or for others.
These symbols, historically are supposedly secret to the practitioners, and not to be shared. Now however they are commonly shared.
What Are The 4 Degrees Of Attainment.
The First Degree.
At stage one you will focus on clearing and cleansing your own energy system, removing negative self thought and limiting beliefs and understanding the nature of universal energy.
You learn that during Reiki Healing you are not the reason that healing occurs within your patient. You are providing permission for universal energy to pass through you and be drawn through you to the patient.
Your training and attunement allows you to become a clear and unrestricted channel for this universal healing energy.
Reiki practitioners believe the healing actually occurs due to the receiver drawing it to themselves, and therefore must be aware and give permission if it is to occur.
This permission, or request, enables universal energy to be received. It is drawn through the channel of the practitioner and delivered via the hands, into specific locations on the physical body, where it can be used by the patient for healing. This energy can also be charged with color specific to the aura and chakras.
At level 1, the first degree, the Master Teacher will instruct you on the history of Reiki. They will also offer personal experiences and evidence of Reiki Energy Healing effectiveness.
Most importantly the Master Teacher will guide your learning and understanding of the basic hand positions for healing.
It is critical that you take the time required to learn and remember the unique hand sequence. This pattern of hand positions is used for self healing as well as when offering healing to others.
These healing positions were developed by the founding Master, Mikao Usui, and are the optimal positions for the channeling and transference of healing energies through the palms.
At level 1 the Reiki sacred symbols are introduced, and students may be shown how to draw them. This tracing of symbols enhances the healing energies. Some Master Teachers choose just to discuss them and only teach the use of symbols in the second degree.
Students will receive their first attunement. This is designed to link the novice to universal energy and to the Master Teachers purified energy.
The attunement begins a process of energetic body cleansing. This enables the physical body to “detox”, to clear blocks and become a channel for the Reiki Healing energies.
The first degree is about self, about becoming a conduit and about being open.
The Second Degree.
The Second Degree training focuses on the energy of the subtle bodies, or what we would term the aura.
Students learn three specific symbols
- The Power Symbol,
- The Mental Symbol, and
- The Distance Symbol.
Each of these symbols can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes.
In the second degree you will focus on the healing of others, moving away from just focusing on the self. You will begin the practice of symbology and of hand positioning in order to deliver distance or absentee healing.
The Third Degree or Master Level.
The Reiki 3rd Degree of healing asks the student to make a commitment to protect and further the practice of Reiki.
Master level focuses on techniques for more challenging cases and the use of crystals for enhanced healing and manifestation.
Topics Covered at the Master level include:
- Reiki level 3 attunement,
- Power symbol properties and applications,
- Healing meditation using power symbols,
- Crystals for Reiki treatments,
- Reiki crystal grid for healing, energizing, cleansing and manifesting.
- Creating and using affirmations
At the conclusion of the 3rd degree training students attain the right to call themselves Master.
The 4th Degree – Master Teacher
Some Reiki practitioners claim they are able to teach the practice of Reiki once they attain Master Level , or the third degree. This is where controversy regarding the third and fourth degree between some Reiki factions.
In most fields of Reiki it common practice to be referred to as Master on completion of the third degree and can only be referred to as Master Teacher once you have practiced and mastered the skills learnt at Level 3 for a substantial period of time. This means you have served time as a healing Master and continued to study for a period of time.
However the reality is that this passage of time is left to the new Master to determine.
The decision is a personal one and so you should use the term Master Teacher when you feel it is right for yourself. Most will wait for a lengthy period of time, often many years, after receiving the 3rd Degree training and attunements before they start using the 4th Degree title of Master Teacher.
There is no new leaning, and no new skills, to be taught at level 4. The 4th degree is about embedding the skills and having the experience to truly understand what is occuring at every step in the healing process.
There are some training courses offered that certify the Master Teacher level and many are excellent. While no new learning topics are covered, the training provides an excellent opportunity to refine, improve and enhance your skill.
At Master Teacher training topics will include:
- An attunement
- A Review of levels 1 to 3,
- Understanding and usage of the symbols,
- Learning and performing Reiki attunements,
- Sending distant attunements,
- Practicing self-attunement to promote healing
- Reiki healing attunements,
- Reiki master meditation,
- Activating the microcosmic orbit,
- Performing Reiki breath,
- Discussing and sharing tips on teaching Reiki and running training workshops.
The 5 Principles of Reiki Healing.
To begin to understand the principles of Reiki you must be clear that Reiki is not a religion. However it does have a spiritual code and a set of principles. These can be summed up by the 5 principles of Reiki.
- Just for today, I will not anger
- Just for today, I will not worry.
- Just for today, I will be grateful for all my blessings
- Just for today, I will work with honesty and integrity
- Just for today, I will be kind to all living beings
Are There Any Risks Involved In Reiki Energy Healing?
Reiki is about working with the Universal life force. This in itself means it can only work for the positive good of a person and without violating the human will.
No harm can come to a patient as they must always have given their consent, they themselves must draw the Reiki energy from the healer (the healer is merely a conduit for the energy). Because it is universal life force energy it will only go where it is needed and when it is needed.
Reiki is used as a complementary therapy alongside modern medicine similar to alternative therapies such as homeopathy, aromatherapy and hypnotherapy. It does not ask the patients to change their beliefs, and makes no reference or judgement about their religion or other spiritual beliefs. Reiki is a gentle healing system that can be summed up in a few words – channeling energy to help you heal yourself.
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Thank you Julie, Glad you enjoyed