Free Guided Meditation Downloads

To lead a truly natural holistic life we need to focus on all aspects of health; physical, emotional and spiritual.  So what better way could there be than practicing meditation?  These Free Guided Meditation Downloads are a wonderful series of meditations that will enable you to truly balance mind body and spirit..

Chakra Health is vital to maintain balance with these three spheres.

This page is dedicated to providing you with free guided meditation downloads.

It will be updated regularly so please bookmark the page or join the mailing list and you’ll get the new downloads direct.

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free guided meditation downloads

How to Unblock Chakras

The first in the series of  guided meditation downloads is “How to Unblock Chakras”.

Please enjoy and I would love to have your feedback about how you found it.

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Chakra Balance

(download at end)


The purpose of the chakra balancing meditation is to open, clear and teach you how to unblock chakras.  This exercise is best known with followers of Reiki.

Follow this meditation and if possible use at least 2x per week and it will aide you in aligning the higher frequency energies and also purify/release any stored negative energy from your body/aura.

Here is the chakra balancing meditation:

  • Sit comfortably on a chair with your hands on your legs (I have found with the palms facing upwards more beneficial)
  • Whilst sitting close your eyes and concentrate on your breath, nice deep slow breathing
chakra meditation crystal healing techniques for beginners
Muladhara – The Root Chakra

Focus all your attention on Muladhara the base Root chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright RED ball spinning clockwise.

 As you focus on the base chakra – breathe in red – breathe out red. Repeat for 2 – 3 minutes.

NOTE: Ensure you visualise Muladhara’s energy as a clockwise spinning ball based at the Root chakra.  See the energy also flowing down through your legs into Mother earth like a tree spouting its roots and connecting with the center of the earth (This is grounding you.)   


Put your attention on the Swadisthana – visualize the chakra as a bright ORANGE ball spinning clockwise.

 As you focus on the Swadhisthana chakra – breathe in orange – breathe out orange. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.  


Put your attention on the Manipura chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright YELLOW ball spinning clockwise.

As you focus on the Manipura – breathe in yellow – breathe out yellow. Repeat for 2- 3 minutes  


Put your attention on the Anahata chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright GREEN ball spinning clockwise.

As you focus on the Anahata chakra – breathe in green – breathe out green. Repeat for 2-3 minutes


Put your attention on the Vishuddha chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright BLUE ball spinning clockwise.

As you focus on the Vishuddha chakra – breathe in blue – breathe out blue. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

NOTE: Ensure you see Vishuddha’s energy spinning clockwise at the Throat chakra and also flowing down through both of your arms and out though your fingers/thumbs and meeting five feet in front.

As these energies connect, in your mind say clearly what you want to achieve and what it is you desire currently.  Remember “what you ask for you will get” while Vishuddha’s energies are flowing it is the time to bring your goals into physical manifestation.


Put your attention on the Ajna chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright INDIGO ball spinning clockwise.

As you focus on the Ajna chakra – breathe in indigo – breathe out indigo. Repeat for 2- 3 minutes.

NOTE: Ensure you see the Indigo ball’s energy is spinning at the Third Eye or Ajna chakra.  Once you are comfortable seeing the spinning indigo wheel visualise, in your minds eye, that you are sitting in a chair in an all Indigo room.  You see yourself looking out of a window and gazing at the stars (this assists with opening of your Third eye)


Put your attention on the Sahasrara or Crown chakra – visualize the chakra as a bright VIOLET ball spinning clockwise.

As you focus on the Sahasrara chakra – breathe in violet – breathe out violet. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

NOTE: Ensure you see the violet ball’s energy  spinning at the Crown chakra and once happy that Sahasrara is spinning, in your minds eye, also envisage the opening of a Violet lotus flower on the top of your Crown — make this as large and as magnificent as you can.

Finally visualise Silvery/White light flowing down from the Heavens through your Crown chakra all the way through all the other chakras and finally into Mother earth. 

Envisage yourself as a glowing white being with all the Chakras within that silvery light spinning brightly (in their colour).

Hold this for about for 2-3 minutes.

Relax, breathe in deeply , breathe out deeply – 3 times

Slowly open your eyes

You should feel exhilarated!

Here are your Free Guided Meditation Downloads

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Muladhara The Root Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Swadhisthana The Sacral Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Heart Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Throat Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Third Eye Chakra

Free Guided Meditation Downloads – Crown Chakra

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