Looking for the best white noise machine that can be used for sound therapy so you sleep well and get the rest you need and deserve? Here are the 6 we think you should choose from!
In this post we offer our pick of tried and tested machines, sourced from reputable suppliers. They are excellent for therapeutic use and enabling great sleep. We are not talking about those devices that create an annoying static hum!
To make sure you have all the information needed to choose a machine we look at defining white noise, its major benefits and then provide our reviews of the six best white noise machines on the market today!
Each machine has been individually evaluated for effectiveness, therapeutic results, consumer satisfaction, value for money and come from trusted manufacturers.
Already know about it and it’s benefits? Then use the link below to jump directly to our product reviews.
Click Here To Go Straight To Our Best Sound Therapy White Noise Machine Recommendations.
What Is White Noise?
In today’s busy life we become used to the buzz and annoyance of the noises around us. For example, if you ever moved to live in a city the first thing you probably heard were the sirens, traffic and noisy neighbors but then eventually you didn’t even hear them?
This is normal! We acclimatize with familiar sounds. When we are busy and going about our business it becomes part of our expectation.
The problem is these associations with sound are linked to times when we are busy.
So when we lie down at the end of a long day to fall asleep, our subconscious changes focus from “busy work day” to “relax and sleep mode” and we suddenly become aware of every disruptive sound in our environment.
What Are The Common Sleep Stealing Sounds?
When laying awake any non-familiar or non-welcome sound, regardless of how innocuous, becomes sleep stealing!
- Noisy neighbors,
- TV’s and bass sound systems,
- Upstairs, downstairs footsteps
- Traffic,
- Dripping taps
- Electronic buzzes
- Cell phones and more
Why? Because our brain is wanting, and expecting, silence!
How Does Sound Therapy White Noise Resolve This?
White noise solves these sleep stealing annoyances by creating new sound that covers a broad range of frequencies.
It sounds wrong doesn’t it? Adding sound to drown out noise!
Let me explain!
Think about two people having a conversation. When you talk 1-1 it’s pretty easy to hear what is being said because your brain automatically focuses on the individual words.
But if you are in a room where hundreds of people are having conversations it becomes impossible to understand what is being said, even by a few of those people.
The hundreds of voices just become a blanket of uniform sound. It is therefore easy for our brain to ignore. Our brain doesn’t understand the voices, therefore doesn’t focus on any particular conversation so allows the noise to fade into the background.
This background sound tells our brain to relax rather than focus. Therefore it acts as a buffer, meaning any sudden noises (like sirens, people talking, or a neighbors sudden music) is masked, becoming part of the uniform sound blanket and you keep right on sleeping.
White Noise Works Differently For Individuals
Every environment is unique. Therefore you may require different set ups for optimal masking of disruptive sound. When you begin using your white noise machine you should try many different arrangements to get maximum benefit:
- experiment with the different tone and volume features,
- try placing the sound machine in a variety of locations.
- Experiment with sounds – differing people will find some “white noise” sounds more soothing than others.
How Does White Noise Benefit Sleep?
Helps Build A Better Sleep Time Routine.
It is always a good idea to establish a routine for sleep (both for children and adults). White noise machines turn sleep hygiene into a habit! Simply the routine of entering the room, switching on the machine and preparing for bed becomes a habit. One that our brain recognizes as “time to sleep”.
Keeps Bedrooms Quiet To Maximize Sleep.
For optimal sleep, you obviously need an optimal environment. White noise machines buffer any disturbing sounds and help create a quiet haven, regardless of your surrounding.
Shut Down Of A Focused And Busy Brain.
Ever have trouble falling asleep because your To Do List won’t stop buzzing, or personal worries keep you awake? The machines can help. There’s a reason some people use it to meditate!
Once Asleep, Stay Asleep.
Through masking sounds that might normally interrupt your sleep, the machine protects your peaceful rest and sleep. It also helps by ensuring that if you do wake up, it becomes much easier for you to fall back to sleep.
Helps You To Sleep More Soundly.
Most people have no idea how many times they wake throughout the night. Most people wake on and off very often. Even if you don’t remember waking up the next morning, those little interruptions, no matter how short, have affected the quality of your sleep.
White noise helps minimize waking which allows you a better sleep and more rest. In the morning you’ll notice how refreshed you feel.
Our Top 6 – Get The Best White Noise Machine.
The Reviews
Number 1 – LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine
Number 2 – Sound and Sleep High Fidelity Sleep Sound Machine
Number 3 – Snooz White Noise Sound Therapy Machine
Number 4 – Marpac Yogasleep Dohm – The Original White Noise Machine
Number 5 – Innovative White Noise Machine With Aromatherapy.
Number 6 – Homedics SoundSleep Ultra-Portable Rechargeable Sound Machine.
So there you have it.
Our picks of the best white noise machines for sound therapy. If you do choose one of these machines please do let me know! I would love to hear your thoughts and views! I know you’ll be delighted with any of the above!
You can leave a comment in the section below or contact me directly here.