Snoring, especially when regular and repetitive, is no joke. This post offers effective ideas on how you can stop snoring naturally and return to having a peaceful, restful night’s sleep. To maintain our physical health and emotional well-being, we need sleep! Snoring is the enemy of decent sleep!
Not only does it affect sleep, but it can also ruin romance in the bedroom and impact happiness in a household. The issue is that snoring doesn’t just result in poor sleep for the snorer; it also causes poor sleep for others in the bed, the room, and, in some cases, the entire household.
Why Do We Snore?
Snoring is caused by the muscles in the soft palate, roof of the mouth, throat, and tongue loosening and becoming overly relaxed. Naturally, when we sleep, our muscles relax, which is necessary for us to rest. However, in some people, these muscles become extremely relaxed, partially blocking the airways.
Snoring occurs when these overly relaxed muscles vibrate as air rushes past them. The more relaxed the muscles are, the narrower the airways become, increasing the intensity of the vibration. This also affects the volume of the snore. Besides home remedies, there are several devices available for managing breathing and snoring without resorting to pharmaceutical medications.
If you are currently taking prescribed medications, it’s advisable to consult your doctor before starting new remedies to stop snoring naturally. These treatments are generally safe, but since pharmaceuticals can interact with other treatments, it’s best to check in advance.
4 Common Causes & 5 Easy To Implement Solutions. You Can Stop Snoring Naturally.
Common Cause 1 – Excess Weight.
This advice is consistently included and expected in health-related information for a good reason. Weight is a key factor contributing to snoring. The more excess weight you carry, the more likely it is that increased fat mass will put pressure on your throat when you rest and relax.
This pressure constricts your airways, leading to snoring. When trying to stop snoring naturally, losing weight is the first factor to consider. It also enhances your overall health. It’s important to note that we’re not just talking about obesity; being overweight by even a few kilos can lead to snoring. By eating healthily and incorporating exercise into your daily routine, you will safely and effectively lose weight and combat snoring.
Common Cause 2 – Allergens In Your Bedroom.
Nasal congestion and allergy-related inflammation are common but often overlooked causes of snoring. Fortunately, they are easy to address! Here are some solutions to help remove allergens from the bedroom, helping you to stop snoring naturally:
- Regular Cleaning: Dust and vacuum the bedroom frequently to remove dust mites and other allergens. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
- Wash Bedding: Wash bed linens, pillowcases, and bed sheets weekly in hot water to kill dust mites.
- Allergen-Proof Covers: Use allergen-proof covers for mattresses and pillows to create a barrier against dust mites.
- Air Purifier: Consider using an air purifier with a HEPA filter to reduce airborne allergens.
- Humidity Control: Keep humidity levels in the room below 50% using a dehumidifier, as dust mites thrive in high humidity.
- Remove Carpets: If possible, remove carpets and use hard flooring, as carpets can harbor allergens.
- Curtains and Blinds: Clean curtains regularly or switch to blinds that can be easily wiped down.
- Minimize Clutter: Reduce clutter in the bedroom where dust can accumulate.
- Pet Management: Keep pets out of the bedroom to reduce pet dander.
- Houseplants: Be cautious with houseplants as they can harbor mold. Ensure proper care and ventilation.
Implementing these steps can help create a cleaner sleeping environment and reduce congestion related to allergens, helping you to stop snoring naturally.
Common Cause 3 – Dehydration.
Dehydration is another significant cause of snoring. When you’re dehydrated, thick and sticky mucus can build up in your mouth and throat, contributing to snoring. By drinking plenty of fluids during the day, you can stay hydrated and prevent this mucus buildup.
The National Health Service recommends drinking six to eight glasses of water per day. Many articles suggest an intake of 2.5 liters of water for men and 2 liters for women. This doesn’t have to be pure water; in fact, it can be considered a ratio, with 70-80% as water and the rest from foods like fruits and vegetables. It’s important to note that milk should not replace water, as dairy products can exacerbate snoring.
For many people, dairy leads to mucus buildup similar to that caused by dehydration, further blocking airways. While not directly related to hydration, you should also avoid eating before bed. A full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, which can disrupt rhythmic breathing.
Common Cause 4 – Overly Relaxed Muscles.
We know that snoring is due, in part, to the relaxation of muscles in the throat and mouth, which causes restriction to the airways. It makes sense then that by strengthening these muscles, it can help to prevent snoring. Strengthened muscles decrease the likelihood of them sagging back into your airways when you are at rest. This is easy to achieve by following a few simple daily exercises.
Add Tongue and Throat Exercise to Your Daily Routine
- Push your lower jaw out, under, and beyond the upper jaw with teeth showing. Count to 10. Repeat this 5-10 times a day.
- Repeat the following phrase 10-20 times each evening before you sleep – “First my lips, and then the teeth, now the tip of the tongue.”
- Finally, and best done in private, stick your tongue out as far as possible. Then, keeping your tongue straight/horizontal, move it to the right until it touches the corner of your mouth. Then move your tongue to the left until it touches the corner of the mouth. It is recommended that you do this in front of a mirror as to be effective you need to keep your tongue straight.
You Can Stop Snoring Naturally Infographic.
5 Solutions So You Can Stop Snoring Naturally.
Solution 1 – Clear Congestion With Steam.
We already know the importance of clearing allergens from your bedroom to prevent snoring. However, if you continue to suffer from nasal congestion, this is likely to mean a continuance of snoring. One of the best ways to reduce and clear congestion is to inhale steam. This can be achieved by a steam bath, following the steps below:
- Pour freshly boiled water into a large heat-resistant bowl.
- Add three or four drops of either eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil to the water.
- Place a towel over your head and the bowl. (note: let the boiled water cool for 5 minutes)
- Inhale the steam deeply, breathing through your nose, for 10 minutes.
Maintain this routine on a daily basis before going to bed and continue until your congestion clears.
Solution 2 – Eucalyptus & Peppermint Oil.
Both eucalyptus and peppermint oil have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them an excellent essential oil aromatherapy treatment. This will help reduce swelling of the membranes in the lining of the throat and nostrils.
Reducing inflammation helps open restricted airways and allows smoother breathing. Peppermint and eucalyptus remedies work particularly well for snoring caused by nasal congestion, allergy, seasonal colds, or dry air.
To Use This Remedy as a Gargle:
- Add one or two drops of your chosen oil to a glass of water and gargle with it before you go to bed.
- Ensure that you do not swallow any of the mixture.
To Use This Remedy in a Diffuser:
- If your snoring is related to dry air, add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to an aromatherapy diffuser 30 minutes before bed.
- Run the diffuser throughout the night.
The oil released by the diffuser helps to open up your airways and stop you from snoring. Another option is to rub a drop of peppermint oil below your nostrils or on the sides of your nose before you sleep. Use the oil mixed into 1/2 tsp carrier oil and ensure you test a tiny area for an allergic reaction before applying generally.
Solution 3 – Olive Oil
Olive oil is a strong anti-inflammatory agent that eases and soothes your respiratory passage and reduces swelling. This clears restrictions and allows the smooth passage of air. Olive oil also helps to reduce pain and soreness.
Use this remedy regularly, and it will combat constricted airways, vibration of muscles, and help stop snoring naturally. It’s not the most delicious of remedies, but the health benefits are incredible.
- Take two or three sips of olive oil before going to bed each day.
- To help with the taste, follow with a teaspoon of natural honey.
Solution 4 – Clarified Butter
Clarified butter, or Ghee, has health-giving properties that are proven to help open up and clear blocked nasal passages. This will help you to sleep better and snore less.
- Gently warm a little clarified butter in a microwave until it melts.
- Use a pipette or eye dropper and put two or three drops of the lukewarm ghee into each nostril.
- Do this every day before bed and when you wake in the morning.
Solution 5 – Cardamom
Cardamom is an amazing natural expectorant and decongestant. This makes it very effective for clearing and opening up your blocked nasal passages. Opening your airways and nasal passage results in less snoring and much better, restful sleep.
- Place a half teaspoon of freshly crushed (or store-bought) cardamom powder into a glass of warm water.
- Mix well and drink half an hour before going to bed.
- You should take this cardamom drink each day to aid snoring.
By following these tips and natural remedies, you can effectively stop snoring naturally and enjoy a better night’s sleep.